Golf Swing Speed Determines Your Ball Flight
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Golf Swing Speed Determines Your Ball Flight

If you are new to golf, are struggling with hitting the ball straight or slicing the ball to the right then you must have these two basic swing components 'in the bag'. They are- a stationary head and moderate swing speed.

Let's start at the Top. Your Head - Plan A - The head, dome, cranium - whatever you call it, golf swing speed challenge must not move during the swing. That is the goal.

Most amateurs have the head moving back an inch or two during the backswing and forward with the downswing. That's no good. No bueno. When the head is moving all around, then you'll be taking your eye off of the ball and mis-hitting it for sure. Or you could 'whiff' - swing and miss - a classic amateur move and most embarrassing.

Plan B - is to move the head very little - maybe a quarter inch to either side of the start position. A good golf instructor or even a good friend can help you hold your head still with a couple of simple hands-on techniques.
Just have them stand in front of you, reach out and lightly put their finger tips on the very top of your head. Or they can rest the grip-end of a driver or long iron on top of your head.

That way, you will feel the moving of your head - as will your helper. If you only move your head a little bit then you'll have a chance to see the ball well and have good enough balance to hit the ball fairly square. Plus you'll find that once you are trying to keep your head still, your swing will slow down and that is usually a great idea.

If the head is still a problem because it continues to move then it could be a function of your overall swing speed.

Swing Speed - Most newbies, especially younger men, swing too darn hard and fast. They are trying to hit the ball 300 yards like Tiger Woods. Golf Instructors advocate a moderate to steady swing speed, depending on your golf club equipment and personality. If the Wizard of Westwood - John Wooden, was a golf instructor, he'd say, 'hurry the downswing, but don't rush it'.

If you are swinging too hard then your head will move around, taking your 'eye off the ball' which will produce an errant shot. A shot that will usually go into the wrong fairway!

There is a special golf club that will help you swing easy and not too fast. It has a hinge near the hosel that will fold if you pull the club away from the ball too fast or if you get to the top of your swing and bring your hands down too fast.

This club is called the Medicus Dual Hinge Iron and I highly recommend it. Bryan has over 20 years of experience playing golf and 10 years as an instructor in San Diego, California. Like most professional golfers he believes that the key to hitting the golf ball straight is swinging the club steadily and consistently.
