What Is Yoga?
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What is Yoga?


You can hear the word YOGA in every nook and corner of the world.

It is freely used by those lucky ones who gulp gallons of champagne and consume tons of Caviar. But few have detailed knowledge of it. I am not here to state that Yoga is real or not real But to just state the facts regarding it. It is very important to know the whole story.

Even though Yoga orginated in Hinduism, YOGA has nothing to do with any religion.
It is a Sanskrit word but still it covers the goal of every religion and every culture on earth.

When some one prays to Krishna , he is following BHAKTI YOGA. If some one prays to Jesus, he is also following BHAKTI YOGA, since there is ONLY one God and people worship that God by many names. Yoga is like Physics or Chemistry; It is universal.

So, I firmly believe every one on earth should give more importance to spirituality that is developed through practicing different Yogas and less importance to religious dogmas.

We have to do things that will elevate us spiritually. We have to slowly eradicate negative thoughts and pump ourselves with positive thoughts.
Eventually we have to even eradicate “positive thoughts” and attain “thought-less state”. We have to raise our vibrations to higher levels so that we can deal with day to day problems in a very constructive manner.
Slowly and steadily we will reach there. That is what Hindu salvation process is all about.


Yoga means
Union with divine” or “Self Realization of the immortal soul or Atman within you.”
Of course, it has many other meanings too.
The word Yoga came from the root word
Yuj to Yoke or join.
So yoga teaches one to join the individual soul or Atman with the absolute soul or Parmathman or God.
The word Yoga is defined by sage Patanjali in his book Patanjali Yoga Sutra.

He summarized YOGA as

means MIND

So according to him, SELF-REALIZATION means
" Stoppage of Mental Vibrations or mental activity within a man."

Sage Vasishta told Lord Rama in the Yoga Vasishta:

“Chit Chalathi Samsare;
Nichale Moksha Muchayatha
when chit [mind] vibrates"

When the mind vibrates [when one thinks];
This whole world come to existence”
When the mind stop vibrating [stoppage of thoughts];
This whole world is destroyed;
And person attains salvation

Scriptures state man's problem is his false knowledge that he is the perishable material body.
The moment he realizes that he is the immortal soul within, he attains salvation or self realization.
That is the reason why scriptures state
"Ignorance is the root cause of all problems and knowledge erdaicates ignorance."
Everything we have to do is to eradicate that spiritual ignorance.