• Secret Powers For Success
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• Secret Powers for Success

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Secrets Power for Success:


Supreme Power is always everywhere and inside us, discover it – how?


  1. Power of Belief:


  • Human being can become anything because world exist in thoughts & feelings through whatever the situations may be – you feel just with out affected.
  • To  be = To feel
  • Manage & purify and directs our thoughts towards beautiful way towards for success.
  • Believing means to feel certain in that it is true to think that it is possible, it is drawing a mental blue print, once we draw it then the impossible becomes possible.
  • Faith is to believe what you do not see and the reward in you see what you believe.
  • Attitude: Attitude is our feeling towards a fact or condition. Our attitude is determined by what we think, say & do in response. It is link between think, say & do – saying, thinking & doing should be same and it is to be link.
  • To Dream, Imagine, Visualize - anything we want to dream, imagine & visualize is the creative beauty of Human Mind.


THINK      BELIEVE       DREAM        DARE


  • To do any thing we want to do is the powerful strength of Human Will. 
  • To have Faith in oneself is the courage to success. D I V I N E
  • To trust the Divine is to have the Grace and Blessing of the Divine.
  • The power of being & becoming is inside us.
  • Being is the most important truth that is the main source or supreme power
  • Power of being or becoming leads to happiness/ peace.
  1. Power of Concentration:
  • When we gather our physical and mental resources and focus them on a common objective, then the power of concentration is released.
  • Just do what you are doing while you are doing it.
  • Ekagra Manas – concentration of the mind – manaspurti
  • Concentration of mind with undivided attention and intentness of purpose is known as one pointedness of the mind.
  • The highest achievement is possible when the man works with one resolution determination with single pointed mind.
  • If it is single pointed not there then it happens:  Inner personality gets disintegrated and shattered due to the endless desired and such a mind can not be applied to any line of action.
  • Achievement formula = Single pointed mind + single resolute + consistent action = success
  • No one is capable of stopping what is performed with determination of mind.
  • Persistence and Determination are Omnipotent.
  • No more than a deep understanding and an unshakable conviction of one’s purpose – Aim is all that is necessary for the concentration to take place.
  • Focus the interest on the field of energy out of which the thoughts arises, it contains the greatest power of consciousness.
  • Distracted swell of thoughts : 1) commentary 2) agreement & disagreement 3) associated meaning 4) memory – subtract all these four points
  1. Power of Choice and Habits:


  • The act of choosing is the event that sets things into motion. Choosing is strength.
  • Without the act of choosing our energy remains stationery.
  •  We create our Destiny with the choice we make. When we make a choice it is only then that we will begin to move towards our goal.
  • A self effort is greatest.
  • Choice is yours: while making choices prepare youself to face the consequences, so choice should be with clarity and with knowledge.
  • Our action makes our Destiny, so we are responsible for our future – Future is past corrected in present.
  • Goal release the power and motivation for our forward thoughts and actions. Motivation:  it is for the shake of reward, money, fame, name or status. Inspiration: it is a love to work without any reward; it is idealistic and gives a joy to people. In fact inspiration is greater than motivation.
  • Goals are choices and as choices they are the means to results.
  • Not only important to become a success but to know how to face success, enjoy, handle and not to be jealous for other success.
  • What we decide what we want, we engage the driving force in our life and the source of our power.
  • Goals must be written, visual, prioritized, and specific. Goals must have plans, deadlines.
  •  Consciously spend your time as you choose. Say no if anything distracts you from the chosen Goal.
  • Be wise, be skillful and be brave then you shall be victorious.
  • Victorious, Skillful, Brave and Wise people don’t wait for fate and don’t abandon the self efforts.
  • Power of Habits: to change ourselves we must change our habits, we are what we repeatedly do.
  • To alter what we think and there by alter (change) what we are, we have to alter what we say to ourselves.
  • Let go old habit, be ready to acquire new habit & practice, visualize ( Mentally) you are practicing new habit, actual practice, periodical reinforcement new habit


  1. Power of Imagination & Power of planning:


  • Power of imagination is also called as the power of planning, creating & manifesting.
  • We can create the effects we want by altering the causes which are our Thoughts and Actions.
  • We can produce our Tomorrow by creating it today.
  • We have to hold the mental image of what we want.
  • Eliminate the image of what we do not want.
  • Imagine physically shattering the unwanted images.
  • All self limiting images are borrowed or learned images, hence we can get rid of those imaginations.
  • Imagine that the Divine hand of the SatGuru, Istha Devata, Bhagwan, God lifting them out of our mind.
  • Planning is Imagining: imagining releases the power, it takes us towards success.
  • Written words and sentences are pictures of our planning, when we do this new ideas come floating in.
  • Planning maintains the momentum inside us. Planning also means asking the following questions:


  • What I want to be?


  • Where am I now?


  • What should I do now?


  • What is the benefit am I getting?


  • What is the motivation or Inspiration?


  • What is that I have to give up?


  • Am I truly/ sincerely committed?


  • Positive Imaginations and positive self talk are important, change the thoughts flow, self talk, conversation from I can’t to I can, I must & I will.
  • Obstacles are our opportunities, without obstacles we would never summon our inner strength and power to raise to the occasion.
  • Obstacles provide us challenges and victories.
  • Plan out your work and work out your plan.
  • Power of effective action: Life is activity and actions is life.
  • Our actions create our power – the power of momentum. When we take up an action we get things going.
  • Winning starts with beginning. To achieve goals we must act. Action impact thought and emotions which in turn impacts Actions.
  • Thoughts are action which is expressed in outer world.
  • Non action and not inaction are carry different meaning and Non action is great – Non action = Effective action. In effective action no Ego is involved.
  • Deliberate action and deliberate    
  • Absence of sense of personal doer-ship leads to perfection and not the activity or inactivity as such.
  • Anxiety for the fruits of action, sense of discontentment and the feelings of dependency upon things and being of the world are incapacities and incapability of the Ego in us.       
  • To be an interdependent not dependent.
  • Pleasure, power & money spoil the relationship – live with a value.
  • When the individual rediscovers his ego to be the infinite, then the limited ego ends; its career of sorrow, suffering, agony, incapacity and imperfection.
  • Should develop Non attachment : in presence of every thing, not detachment: run a way from the things
  • Action is pure in which there is no sense of personal doer-ship and in which there is no concern for the reward of Action.
  • Surrender the lower intelligence to the favors of Higher intelligence



Start the work with meditation, in even at office or factory      


Secret Powers for Success


  1. There is nothing fixed about a human being. He is what he thinks. He Is Whatever feeling he has about himself.


  1. To feel certain that It is True and Think that It is possible is called as BELIEVING.


  1. Our Attitude is determined by what we Think, Say and Do in response. To Dream Imagine and Visualize is The Creative beauty of human mind.


  1. The Power of movement of The Absolute, which Is Its WILL, Causes this appearance of the visible world. This Power is called as Spanda Shakti.


  1. We Create our Destiny with the Choices we make. The act of choosing Sets things into Motion. Choosing is Power, Choosing is Strength. Goals are Choices and as Choices they are means to Results. 


  1. Those who remain dependent on Fate, abandoning Proper effort, destroy Virtue, Wealth and Enjoyment.


  1. To change ourselves We must change our Habits, because We are What We repeatedly Do.


  1. Without doubt, a former Fault (negative quality) is extinguished by the Current Good quality, like the destruction of yesterday’s disease by today’s medicine.


  1. Undivided attention and Intentness of Purpose is called as Concentration of Mind.


10.  The Highest achievement Is possible when The man works with one Resolute Determination, with a Single Pointed Mind. No one Is Capable of Stopping What is Performed with Determination of Mind.


11.   We can Produce our Tomorrow by Creating it Today. Planning releases Power and It takes us towards SUCCESS.


12.  Obstacles are actually our Opportunities. Obstacles make us manifest our Inner Strength and Power.


13.  Mind is not different from Imagination, Know Imagination as the Mind.


14.  Action is Pure in which there is no Sense of Personal doer-ship, absence of Sense of Personal doer-ship leads to perfection.


15.  Awakening means Total Annihilation of the Sense of doer-ship in whatever activity that is being produced through Body, Mind and Intellect.   

