Reflection 2011
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Reflection 2011

Sr. Business Analyst
By this time, most of us are now reflecting on last one year. How it is passed, what we have achieved or failed to achieve. If we have a list of things to do, looking at them will give us guideline on how we have performed.The best thing about the 2011 is that it’s almost over. It is nothing more than a cluttered canvas of experiences, events and circumstances in our life. Remember we cannot paint a beautiful picture on a cluttered canvas.The 2012 is a blank slate of infinite possibility, if we are willing to look at it through the lens of one thing that will make a huge difference in our life is "action".Action is the only thing that generates a result.Most of our learning comes from our experience generated through taking ACTION. There is no text book, no seminar and no guru that can replace the value of experiential learning.Don't let a lack of knowledge stop you from taking ACTION! Small actions are more important than mere words and big plans.If we want good results in 2012! It's important to resolve to take action!