The Biggest Blue Chip Company
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The biggest blue chip company

Sr. Business Analyst
Long time ago when I was in college I attended one introductory seminar for personality development training. The trainer askeded a question to all participants " Which is a biggest blue chip company today"?

Most of the participants started giving names of the all big companies they know. After all names exhausted from them he asked to think again and gave the answer......

The biggest blue chip company on this earth is ..........YOU......yes you yourself are the biggest blue chip company.

Every body was amazed to hear that. He told "all of us think of blue chip when it comes to investing their hard earned money to get maximum returns" how many of us think of the same when it comes to ourself?

Treat your self as a blue chip company and invest in yourself by developing your knowledge, skils and attitude.

Your knowledge as skills are base on which you can earn maximum returns for ex. look at the people who are in demand today...the people who have good communication, technical and soft skills are always in great demand.

Do check your attitude. How do you look things around you? Are you looking at them in right perspective? Most of the time we have preconceived notions and ideas when we look at people and situations around us.

Looking at things in right frame of mind and perspective is first step to develop right mental attidude.

If you invest in developing right knowledge, attitude and skills I believe any body can become a best blue chip company on this earth.

