The Things About IPad 3 You Must Be Concerned With
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The things about iPad 3 you must be concerned with

Maybe you are very good at playing ipad 2 such as how to transfer music from ipad 2 to computer, how to watch video on ipad 2 etc, but what are you expecting to ipad 3? Earlier in the day, as an apple fan, we must have learn that some rumors or news related to ipad 3 that that Apple’s next-generation iPad 3 tablet will be built around a new battery which has been designed to be both thinner and lighter than that found powering the iPad 2. And Apple is working with both Simplo Technology Company and Dynapack International Technology Corporation to design and manufacture the new battery packs, which are expected to bring improved battery life and enable

Recently, according to foreign media reports, JP Morgan analyst Mark Moskowitz said, the industry told him that Apple's supply chain has got the third generation iPad prototype, but the device released is no hope in this year. Some media said that Apple plans to introduce a high-end version of the iPad 2, which will enrich the iPad new equipment product line, or to configure a higher resolution.

Moskowitz believes that Apple should not rush to expand the lineup of the iPad, Motorola, RIM and other Tablet PC manufacturers do not Synthesizer, and 2012 would not have improved much.

RIM announced last week, PlayBook listed only a quarter of 20 million units shipped in the previous quarter iPad sold 9.25 million units.

He said, "Sony's lack of iPad tablet-style refined, sleek, user-friendly design on the back of the end, Sony Tablet PC with Android system, the attractiveness of the Tablet PC not as big on the smartphone."

Moskowitz optimistic about the Amazon Tablet PC, even though he believes the device can not match with the maturity of the Tablet PC, because the shift from touch-screen electronic ink is very difficult. The device is expected to be launched in the coming weeks, configuration, 7-inch color touch screen, $ 250.

He said, "Kindle Amazon's success does not necessarily mean success in the Tablet PC market until we see the performance of the Amazon, we believe that the potential threat to the dominance iPad Windows 8 until the end of 2012 Tablet PC market.

More infor about ipad 3 you must be familiar with:

The iPad 3 UK release date is a mystery

With Apple unable to meet initial demand for iPad 2, we'd expect a staggered release date for the iPad 3 too: However, Apple could always follow the pattern it has with the previous two iPad launches and do it all in the new year.

The iPad 3 specs include a dual-core processor...

It's possible that the iPad 3 will have a brand spanking new processor, Apple's A6, but if the rumoured release date is correct then time is awfully tight: we'd certainly expect to see an A5, not an A6, in the iPhone 5 when it turns up.

...unless iPad 3 has a quad-core processor

If the A6 is the next stage in the line - and we don't see a new iPad until 2012 - we could also be looking at a quad-core chip from Apple. Quad-core designs will be coming from all ARM partners late this year.

iPad 3 display

Rumours of an HD screen on the iPad 3 gathered pace on 12 April 2011 when Digitimes reported that Apple is asking panel makers to provide screens that are capable of displaying higher image quality than the iPad 2.

On 26 May 2011, we reported that the iPad 3 could launch with a Samsung-made AMOLED screen, following rumours that Apple has been in talks on the matter with Samsung execs. There have also been more LG and Samsung rumours, too.

Additionally as an ipad user, you maybe also interested in: transfer music from pc to ipad
