Let The Iphone 5 Rumors Go To Hell
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Let the iphone 5 rumors go to hell

As an apple fan, I bet you and me are waiting for a new gadget coming. This is the just iphone 5 coming. It is believed that the iPhone 5 is one of the most eagerly awaited devices this year. With rivals like Samsung gaining a foothold in other parts of the world, Apple’s expected launch of iPhone 5 in the U.S. market this September will not be an unchallenged one. Currently rumors claim, iPhone 5 prototype is lost in the bar. Subsequently, the relevant reports and overwhelming appeared in major media, however, the detailed features of this product are still unknown. Given these circumstances, it will be easier to identify, iPhone 5 related rumors not to be believed, especially in the following 10 reasons can also illustrate this point. 1, the prototype is not finished A lot of rumors that the so-called iPhone 5 prototype is missing a bar in San Francisco. Reported that Apple has been trying to find this device, but this also led to some doubt, is the prototype available for news is true, and this device is a true smart phones the iPhone 5. However, the current situation, the reliability of this consumption seems minimal. In any case, the prototype is definitely not finished. Only in respect of a device, the prototype may be many, but also came to light it, but Apple's product may be tightly sealed off. 2, Apple kept secret Although Steve Jobs as Apple CEO position is no longer, but the idea of Apple kept secret has not changed. For years, Apple has not leaked a secret, in fact, the secret will be leaked to the media, Apple's severe punishment, usually dismissed. Given this factor, all the rumors are generally not from Apple employees, and from that point of view, you can immediately confirm rumors related to the iPhone 5 does not fly. 3, Apple are good at attracting the attention of consumers Rumors about iPhone 5 illustrates a problem that Apple is very good at capturing the attention of consumers. Apple has always wanted to create a sensational effect, often discuss matters of major functional improvements, and these features are a new generation of consumer expectations of where the iPhone smartphone. But the fact is, unfortunately, Apple rarely able to incorporate these rumors into the real situation. 4, the rumors of no practical significance If those who often consider people on the network the iPhone 5 rumors, then they will soon discover why the Apple rumor credible. Some rumors that iPhone 5 there will be several versions, so that the user devices to get through this variety of experience. Some other rumors claimed Apple will eventually release a business-oriented users, with a physical keyboard iPhone. Despite rumors of these two has a certain appeal, but its practical significance, this may be a lot of rumors related to iPhone 5 common problem lies. 5, to create "missing" Over the years, Apple has been eager to learn by tricking users of its upcoming new product this way, users of Apple products to stimulate thinking and desire, in this regard, Apple is indeed a powerhouse within the industry. Therefore, the relevant reasons to show that Apple has copied this technique, which can further prove that the rumors of unreliability iPhone 5. 6, Apple's position has not been The problem is that these rumors are easily proved difficult. In any case, Apple is about the only company of its own plan. At least so far, Apple has not expressed, so the manufacturer can lip rumors, saying that all want to say, without having to worry about making mistakes, because Apple has not been on this position. 7, Apple's profit using rumors If Apple really wanted to stop these rumors, it will be very simple. Apple just showing some new products or new features, you can immediately stop the rumors, but Apple does not want to do so. Apple aware of these rumors on the importance of enhancing the popularity of its products, therefore, have not been stated publicly. 8, the rumors without much risk If someone is spreading rumors iPhone 5-related errors, it will be what kind of punishment? Now, nothing. If these rumors with the facts, but its function is more practical to talk about, then in the process, the credibility of these rumors would not be hurt. Simply put, there is no risk that these rumors, despite rumors to the relevant reports flooded. 9, false ubiquitous devices Almost every week, claiming to show the iPhone 5 functionality and style related pictures will appear. These pictures show the iPhone 5 smart phone has a large display, such as different color versions, although some may be similar with the iPhone 5, but in most cases, these may have been a false picture, the real version of the same phone may will never enter the market. 10, not sure really exists iPhone 5 iPhone 5 is probably the biggest problem with rumors is currently no way to verify that Apple's next-generation smart phone in the end look like, that is, Apple's next-generation smart phones may not iPhone 5. Some speculate that Apple introduced the iPhone 4 may only complete a simple version of the smart phone, or will be named iPhone 4s. If this is true, then all the rumors about iPhone 5 will evaporate. In short, all the speculation about iPhone 5 are likely to be around a product that does not exist and expand. More extensive reading for iphone fans: jailbreak iphone 4, iphone 4 video converter