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Say Bye-bye to iPod Thief
You might have heard on gold robbers, diamond thieves, car snatchers, etc., but not ones whom I term, Gadget Crazy Robbers(GCR). Might call them professionals, but they only hunt for people using Apple only gadgets. IPod users can look like good targets to thieves because iPods are expensive and also users will be less aware of their surroundings due to listening to music.

It is known to us that iPods are among the most popular items for thieves these days. As a result, the numbers of iPod thefts, iPod muggings, and other violence related iPods is increasing (and, increasingly, getting a lot of media attention). Compact music players seem to be a hot item to the itchy hands of thieves especially those smaller models of iPod is much easier lose and be stolen. Do not be a victim and know the tips to prevent your iPod from being stolen. Get a hold of those tips and do not let yourself be one of the numerous victims.
Whereas most of you might act confused or even call these criminals stupid, my opinion stands different. These criminals aren’t that stupid as you might think. Lemme throw in a question for you readers. How many of you, Apple gadget crazy fans, have been able to get a hold of the device as soon as it went LIVE on stores? I wish I had posted a poll on this but no need as I might need to count myself amongst those crazy fans who have managed to wait in the line for almost 9 days, just to get an iPad 2.
A few stories reported from the police department have already emerged related to Gadget(Apple) Only Crimes. If you want to avoid iPod theft, prevent iPod theft, or not make yourself a clear target for an iPod mugging, here are some tips
Prevent Stealing
1 Wear dark headphones instead of the white headphones that come with a new iPod. This will help prevent a thief from knowing you own an iPod. If a thief doesn't know that you have an iPod, he won't try to steal it.
2 Keep your hand near or on the iPod while you're listening to it. If you feel a tug on your headphones, grip the iPod tightly. If a thief was trying to get away with your iPod by snagging at your headphone cord, he'll only get the headphones (a much less expensive item to replace than the iPod).
3 Put the iPod in a safe storage compartment when not listening to it. Don't leave it in the open where someone walking by could see it. If you lock it in a car or locker, hide it. Thieves can break any lock, and if they see an iPod they'll take it. Try to keep your iPod with you so you know that it's safe. A Nano will easily fit in a pocket.
If you follow these tips, you’ll be well on your way to being safer, holding onto your iPod, and not becoming the victim of an iPod mugging.
And at last, take advantage of the iPod engraving service offered through Apple. In addition to your name, consider adding, "if found, please return to," to the iPod. The simple line may make it more difficult for potential thieves to resell and make your iPod less desirable to take.
If you follow these tips, you'll be well on your way to being safer, holding onto your iPod, and not becoming the victim of an iPod mugging.
Note: For iPod users, sometimes you may need to transfer iPod songs to your computer, here we recommend ipod to computer transfer software for you., so you can do the like these things such as: transfer rington from iphone to itunes, ipod to pc transfer free, transfer music from ipod to computer, transfer music from ipod to mac

It is known to us that iPods are among the most popular items for thieves these days. As a result, the numbers of iPod thefts, iPod muggings, and other violence related iPods is increasing (and, increasingly, getting a lot of media attention). Compact music players seem to be a hot item to the itchy hands of thieves especially those smaller models of iPod is much easier lose and be stolen. Do not be a victim and know the tips to prevent your iPod from being stolen. Get a hold of those tips and do not let yourself be one of the numerous victims.
Whereas most of you might act confused or even call these criminals stupid, my opinion stands different. These criminals aren’t that stupid as you might think. Lemme throw in a question for you readers. How many of you, Apple gadget crazy fans, have been able to get a hold of the device as soon as it went LIVE on stores? I wish I had posted a poll on this but no need as I might need to count myself amongst those crazy fans who have managed to wait in the line for almost 9 days, just to get an iPad 2.
A few stories reported from the police department have already emerged related to Gadget(Apple) Only Crimes. If you want to avoid iPod theft, prevent iPod theft, or not make yourself a clear target for an iPod mugging, here are some tips
Prevent Stealing
1 Wear dark headphones instead of the white headphones that come with a new iPod. This will help prevent a thief from knowing you own an iPod. If a thief doesn't know that you have an iPod, he won't try to steal it.
2 Keep your hand near or on the iPod while you're listening to it. If you feel a tug on your headphones, grip the iPod tightly. If a thief was trying to get away with your iPod by snagging at your headphone cord, he'll only get the headphones (a much less expensive item to replace than the iPod).
3 Put the iPod in a safe storage compartment when not listening to it. Don't leave it in the open where someone walking by could see it. If you lock it in a car or locker, hide it. Thieves can break any lock, and if they see an iPod they'll take it. Try to keep your iPod with you so you know that it's safe. A Nano will easily fit in a pocket.
If you follow these tips, you’ll be well on your way to being safer, holding onto your iPod, and not becoming the victim of an iPod mugging.
And at last, take advantage of the iPod engraving service offered through Apple. In addition to your name, consider adding, "if found, please return to," to the iPod. The simple line may make it more difficult for potential thieves to resell and make your iPod less desirable to take.
If you follow these tips, you'll be well on your way to being safer, holding onto your iPod, and not becoming the victim of an iPod mugging.
Note: For iPod users, sometimes you may need to transfer iPod songs to your computer, here we recommend ipod to computer transfer software for you., so you can do the like these things such as: transfer rington from iphone to itunes, ipod to pc transfer free, transfer music from ipod to computer, transfer music from ipod to mac
