Where To Go Without Steve Jobs For Apple
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Where to Go without Steve Jobs for Apple

It is known to all that apple’s CEO, Jobs, who long as Tom Curise some have drag back the Apple" rotten" edge. This technology stocks on Wall Street was almost forgotten, jumped to become the world's largest market value of listed companies and exceed the Exxon Mobil ( ExxonMobilCorp ) . But in a few hours ago, this group of science and technology " God", is about to leave his throne, and will never come back -- due to health reasons, it may be last time to leave this life and his own apple. The Apple of today is hugely profitable, with tens of billions of cash, a 90 percent share of the tablet market, a rapidly growing smartphone business around the world, and the only truly profitable personal-computer franchise left. This is where Steve Jobs leaves Apple as CEO: on top, with momentum to carry it further up. But the most important thing about what Steve Jobs has done in the past 14 years at Apple is this: It’s not all about Steve Jobs. Jobs has built this company in his own image. The executives are people who he trusts, people who have worked with him closely and understand his product philosophy. The creation of Apple University is an attempt to codify what we might as well call the Apple Way, which is essentially the Steve Jobs-driven product and business philosophy that has shaped today’s Apple. From his resignation letter, we can read a little sentimental feeling of Jobs: I had been told, if one day, I can do not my duty and continued as apple CEO, I will inthe first time to notice. The day has come." It looks a bit like Xu Zhimos’ verse, it is Jobs a few hours ago, submitted to Apple's resignation letter. There is no doubt that his resign will be a great loss for internet industry. And this is also the consistent view. Whether does apple have its beacon without a spiritual leader, for apple. Will the apple fans still be in love with apple without worship lear? Although the old Joe have completed the apple short layout before his regine,. now iPhone5 has been in production, iPhone6 also has been in the planning, where does the further apple do? It is really full of various unknown things. Tim Cook, Apple’s new CEO, is not going to be Steve Jobs. He’s going to apply the business acumen he’s always applied. There are other members of Apple’s executive team that, likewise, will fill in pieces of the puzzle. Steve Jobs essentially wrote the rulebook for how Apple runs, but it’s not like all of Apple’s employees sit around waiting for Steve Jobs to tell them what to do. Is there a danger that Apple after Jobs will slip? First off, there’s no guarantee Apple would continue on the roll that it’s been on, even with Jobs at the helm: It’s rare to see a company succeed so spectacularly for so long, and all good runs come to an end. And of course, there are plenty of examples of companies that have lost their way after the departure of a charismatic, creative executive—Disney comes to mind. Extensive reading for apple fans: transfer songs from ipod to computer, ipad music transfer