Have fun while you walk
Walking is a great way to keep fit-n-fine. Here are some tips to make your walking workout more fun If
you have been walking as a part of your workout routine for a while,
you may start to get a little bored after a while, especially if you
are walking the same route every day, or use a treadmill. Play some
upbeat music- Nothing gets us in the mood to work out like some upbeat
music. Grab an MP3 player and load some of your favourite songs on it.
Not only it will make the walking workout more fun but you will walk
faster and further with some great music playing. Another alternative
is to listen to some audio books while you walk. Take a friend-
you are more likely to stick to any workout routine if you know some
one else is relying on you and waiting for you. Ask a friend to start
walking with you a few days a week. Being able to talk to someone while
you walk also makes the workout more fun and distracts you from the
actual exercise part, leading to longer walks. Explore a new
rout-if you’ve been doing the same walk around the block for a while,
explore some different walking routes. Drive to a different
neighborhood, or check out a local park. Many of them have walking
loops that one mile or more long. You could even check with your local
park services department on short term hiking rates. Join a
walking group- Many cities now have local walking groups. A group of
people get together once a week to walk together. Some of these groups
are for walking professionals and meet in the late afternoon; others
are for stay at home moms, who will bring their kids in a stroller. If
there is no such group in your area, consider starting one up yourself. Take
your treadmill places- Yes we know this sounds a little weird, but if
possible, move your treadmill around on occasion. Move it in front of
the TV, so you can walk while you watch your favourite shows. Set the
treadmill up in front of a window or on the porch, so you can walk
while you watch the kids play in the backyard. click here for my complete blog http://rekhapadliya.blogspot.com