Advantages of Automated Storage and Retrieval System | Armstrongltd
Automated Storage & Retrieval Systems are quite possibly the most solid and material handling investment options available now.
Armstrong's Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems(AS/RS), can sort, succession, support, and store a wide scope of products into for all intents and purposes limitless objections which makes it an warehouse automation technology. Normal applications for an ASRS incorporate products to individual picking, dynamic renewal, grouping buffering, request satisfaction, work in process capacity, and finished goods storage.
Armstrong - India's leading warehouse automation company comprehends the need of the market players to preserve floor space, further develop security, and lift efficiency inside the warehouse facility. Hence, our systems for the most part supplant huge scopes of racks and help in laying out air rights. Thanks to the incremental system design, ASRS Systems can undoubtedly extended to fulfill expanding productivity needs.
Stacker cranes are the ideal pick for your unit burdens and high narrows facilities. Stacker-crane systems with guide rails and control systems perform distance travel, lifting, picking, and setting activities. It is comprised of extending forklifts and makes your activities fast and blunder free, which can undoubtedly be constrained by administrators. The Unit-Load AS/RS systems from Armstrong empower protected, high-density, and energy-proficient storage for pallets and other bulky things.

Key advantages of the Unit Load AS/RS System:
- High Density Storage
- Quick Access Coupled with Minimum Labour
- Dependable, Precise & Efficient
To positively change your business use Armstrong's AS/RS technology that assists you to complete with the lowest cost storage density and offers the highest throughput.