The Right Way To Start Preparing For CAT 2010
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The right way to start preparing for CAT 2010

All eyes are now focused on CAT 2010. The CAT 2010 will be taken by many of the unsuccessful students of CAT 2009, working professionals and the fresh graduates coming out from the colleges.

You must be wondering if you can see your name in the final list of top B-schools next year? If you want to turn your dream into reality then this is the right time to start your preparations.

Today we present to you the Part II of the exclusive interview with Mr. Vinayak Kudva, Product Head, IMS Learning. Mr. Kudva talks about the right time to start preparing for CAT 2010; How to start the basic preparation for CAT 2010 and the self study method.

Q: When is the right time to start preparing for CAT 2010?

A: Students can start preparing for CAT 2010 when they are in the pre-final year of graduation so that in the final year they can strike a balance between their MBA preparation and final exam (graduation) preparation. The time taken to prepare varies with the aptitude of the student. Typically at six to nine months time is good enough.

Q: How to start the basic preparation for CAT 2010?

A: Students can read ICSE / CBSE 10th standard books in Math and English Grammar. Getting into the habit of reading is crucial. Reading newspapers and magazines like The Times of India, The Hindu, Economic Times, Business Standard on a regular basis is essential. In case it is difficult to understand some terms used in the articles, a standard English dictionary like the Oxford English Dictionary can be used. Meaning of Financial terms can be checked at various online financial glossaries. This exercise will help one to understand different topics and increase ones vocabulary and general awareness over a period of time.

Q: What are your suggestions for those who want to go for self study method?

A: Discipline is very important. Plan your preparation, maintain a fixed schedule and stick to it. Join test series so that you get an idea about your current level of preparation.

Q: Any other suggestion you would like to give to the CAT 2010 aspirants?

A: MBA Entrance Exams test you on the following:

-- Time Management Skills
-- Problem Solving Skills
-- Language Skills
-- Stress Management Skills
-- Decision-making Skills
-- Prioritization Skills
-- Strategy Formulation Skills
-- Confidence
-- Analytical Skills

The above skills are managerial skills. Entrance exams are looking forward for candidates with such skills. So it is not only a test on Aptitude. The aim should be to select the right kind of questions and strike a balance in performance in the various sections.

Q: What are the courses IMS Learning is offering? Please share in detail.

A: We offer both classroom and correspondence programs. The classroom program is divided into Catapult and Classic. The Catapult program is an extended classroom program best suited for students who need extensive support in basics and want to start early with their preparation. Classic is a special program best suited for students who are well versed with concepts and have taken entrance tests before.

For the correspondence program, study materials are available in two variants, Regular and Enhanced.

In a nutshell, we provide Classroom Training, Study Material, Test Series, Group Discussion & Personal Interview Training to fully equip a student for targeting MBA Entrance Tests. We help students with information on B-Schools, Entrance Exams and give personalized guidance
