Is New Media The Most Cost Effective?
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editricon Is New Media the most cost effective?

The world is in the negative spiral of the sine wave. Everyone is talking about optimisation, cost rationalisation, effectiveness at all.

Let us explore & analyse the "New Media - The Internet" as a method achieveing these objectives.

1. Internet is fast and hence gets you where you want to go quicker - saves time - saves money.

2. Internet allows you to disseminate more information in a structured and easily searchable manner - again saves cost.

3. Internet allows you to specifically target your desired audience - returns more per dollar spent.

4. Internet gets you quick response allowing you to tweak your offerings & strategies quickly n efficiently.

I could go on and on....

However, also Internet presents so many possibilites that the trick is to figure out the correct and workable strategy specific to your business and within that one suiting the current situation.

This can only be achieved by a combination of an in house team - they cn correctly access the business objective / challenge and a suitable partner/vendor in the New Media space, who can create a solution to adress this business objective / challenge.
