How Selfish - - Create A Vision That Makes You Truly Happy
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How Selfish - - Create A Vision That Makes You Truly Happy

Business Analyst - Pre Sales

A vision is simply something that you want. Where thoughts come from, are from inside of you. Some are based on need, such as our need to have a new car; or to make money, and some are based on desire, something that makes us happy. The most profound imaginings are those that are aligned with our purpose or mission. Standing in our life’s purpose, and if we have a purpose & vision combined I believe that the quality of our thoughts will change. They will change for a better dream. A more strong feeling of achieving in life.

Sometimes feeling what I want can bring me great hope, anticipation and excitement. Sometimes it can bring me sadness or disappointment as I feel what we do not have or how far I have to go to get there. But I can use that contrast to deepen our resolve and move forward on something that I have just been thinking about. One single step toward my dream puts me into action, moving me from day dreaming to progress.

I have a question for you. When you read the words, “create a vision that makes you truly happy,” did your inner critic voice kick in and say something like, “ow selfish?”

I believe that when we are connected to our passion and dreams, we will live a longer healthier life, we will have more energy and vitality for the people we love. Not only is NOT selfish to create a vision for yourself, it’s an act of generosity. People with passion and imaginings live longer healthier lives than those who are just going through the motions or only problem-solving.

Once you get clear about what you need to make yourself happy (right now) acting on it is essential. I also feel that Over-thinking and analyzing can immobilize. To know what I need and not acting can even cause stress and sadness. So the secret here, is to create something simple, to decide what will bring me joy, and to find an easy way to act upon it.

What do you say guys ??

Also we should do one thing that is acknowledge , This builds greater self-trust and leads to great confidence.

So what is a vision and dream you foresee … I m asking a simple vision, which you are 100 % confident of achieving, what does your inner voice say?is it still saying how selfish ..... ; )

Cheers !!!

