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1. Like yourself, love yourself; beleive in yourself because you are special! There is only one such person in the world and that is you. You are unique.

2. Take care of your physical fitness and grooming- get fit, dress up, groom up! The way you think you look has a direct impact on how you feel.

3. Remind yourself of your successes and your strengths that made them possible. Make a list of your positive qualities and keep it handy. Brag about yourself from time to time!

4. Smile and compliment! when you smile at someone and they smile back, it automatically makes you feel better.

5. Do something for someone without, on two conditions: you must accept no compensation and the person who you help should not be in any position to do anything for you!

6. Keep the company of 'good' people: Associate with people of high moral character who look on the bright side of life and it will rub off on you. You will acquire much of the thinking, mannerisms and characteristics of the people you are around.

7. Take every oppurtunity to speak in public; stand up and express yourself whenever you get the chance.

8. Read good books, autobiographies / biographies of great men and women who used what thay had a got and great deal out of it by taking the effort and putting their skills, talent and thoughts to good use. We relate to these stories and when we learn of them having succeeded, we too can visualize ourselves succeeding.

9. Listen to good speakers, watch inspiring movies. All these inspire us too to make something out of ourselves.

10. Learn from successful failures the secret of perseverance.

11. Set small achievable goals to reach a bigger goal and then celebrate their success. Plan for short steps. When we find ourselves achieving these, we get the confidence to go for the bigger goals. With each small success our self-image improves and this equips us to ahead to the next goal.

12. Watch how you spend your leisure time: avoid destructive activities! Avoid the interest of too much TV or spending yyour evening on depressing serials.
