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We know that management is like an indicator that exits between work and results. Without a proper indicator one would have been in disarray. Due to fast technological changes and innovations, high competitions, spread of education and knowledge, change in the nature and attitude of customers etc, managining an organization increasingly complex and challenging today and hance calls for professional skills of high caliber. A professional manager has to know many things in addition to his/her basic knowledge, qualification and experiences. It depends a great deal on how well a professional manager intelligently act on a particular situation, develop his ideas, thoughts imaginations, creativity, maintain discipline in every respect, communicate effectively, hold back his personal ego for the larger interest of his/her fellowcolleagues and his organization. In short he/she is to make proper planning well in advance, organizing his task systematically with minimum cost, time and effort, directing all individuals to make proper execution of the tasks, co-ordinating all facilities and finally controlling all activities in conformance to the plans of the organization.

To become atrue professional manager, one must possess sufficient knowledge, skills and compentence in the priority area, which can be aquired and developed through formal education, training, experiences and exposures etc. A professional manager should also constantly update his/her knowledge by getting himself/herself associated with relevant professional associations/bodies, by undergoing periodic training, attending and participating semenars, workshops etc and by visiting professionally managed organization/institutions, both within and outside of their country and by reading current management books, management journals, periodicals, research journals, case studies etc. In addition, he/she should clearly understand the objectives and mission of the organization, ability to analyse both short term and long term oppurtunities and priorities, develop a proper system and culture, share organizational concern for developing capabilities of all category of employees in the organization.

Few basic qualities of professional managers are:

  1. Have an insight of his/her job requirements;
  2. Carry out continuous updating of all his learning to fulfil his job requirements;
  3. Have a performance oriented relationship with the superiors, sub-ordinates and colleagues, based on mutual respect to facilitate teamwork for collective contribution to the organization;
  4. Have a relationship based on long term mutual benefit approach with customers, suppliers and other members of public;
  5. Have a linkage with fellow professionals to improve the standard, contribution and prestige of the managerial profession.

Professionalism in management has brought radical changes in all walks of life, particularly in the industrial and business world. The challenge has also assumed significance in view of high competition and also rapid growth mainly after liberalization and globalization of the economy.

Thus we can say that professionalism in management has assumed a great important function in modern day management world.
