Market Data And Development Of Apple Sales
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Market Data and Development Of Apple Sales

The latest statistics released by the Good Technology in the first quarter of 2015, the enterprise mobile device activation volume in Apple Corp is still the market leader, but competitors are one point one points to eat not resigned to playing second fiddle, the market share of iPad.

Mobility Index Report Good Technology report data released by the first quarter of this year, the amount of activation of apple iOS occupy the enterprise 72% mobile devices, while the activation volume Google Android compared with the last quarter fell by one percentage point. Since the big screen iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus release, has won the market share of 70%.

Following the strong momentum in the previous quarter rose 3, iPhone 6 is still the most popular business equipment, occupy 26% of the amount of activation. In the Android camp in the Samsung Galaxy S5 is highest in the first place. The trend of the market and consumers, apple and Samsung led the enterprise mobile market. Good Technology tracking device in the preceding 30 paragraphs, the two manufacturers of equipment occupy 28 seats.

Windows Phone activation rate remained stable in all the equipment in the activation volume ratio of 1%. Windows Pro tablet running system is to help Windows with 1% of the share, the Microsoft operating system for the first time to enter the mixed Good Technology Mobility Index Report reports.

Although iPad still occupy the highest share of the tablet computer section, but in the first quarter of their market share fell to 81%, a decrease of 4%. IPad share in the market was as high as 92%, but over the past year Android and Windows equipment began to affect its dominance.If you want to buy cool iphone 6 Plus cases,you can buy them on


From the apple iPad in the enterprise tablet market performance we also know that the sales of iPad quarters market has continued to decline. The recent news that Apple intends to develop iPad Pro, with strong power and large screen to attract business users, in order to save iPad in dire straits.

Since the beginning of 2014 Android in the enterprise tablet market share doubled, currently 15%, growth of 1%. Microsoft Surface has also attracted some interest in industry, the share of Windows in the first quarter increased from 1% to 4%.

Good data show that in regulated industries, iOS has two consecutive quarters of more than Android. The report said that 80% of the State Department as well as the activation volume 76% of financial services are iOS.

As expected, the best performance of the apple field or the field of education. Many schools want to be able to use Mac and iOS conversion equipment, to meet their needs of teaching, which is also attributed to the apple in the iPad marketing relentlessly iPad can play a role in the field of education. In the recently released "everything changed by iPad" iPad ads, also did not forget that apple iPad brings convenience to students in.

Good Technology survey data from their customers around the world, they are distributed in 189 different countries worldwide in more than 6200 organizations. Because of their Blackberry complete control of Enterprise Server, so Good couldn't get on the Blackberry device data, so in their report we do not see the Blackberry figure.

