Brain Branch Mapping - Roots Of Effective Learning
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Brain Branch Mapping - Roots of Effective learning

Though a lot of research and literature is already available in the arena of memory improvement, memory mapping and memory management, this scribbling provides a little deeper and a more practical perspective of the process of ‘learning’. Learning, in a simple perspective can be coined as a process of observing, consuming, digesting and assimilating data around us. All around us we see data scattered and more dispersed and complexly inter-twined. The primary aspect of learning would be to extract information from the junk of data. That is, extracting what is required by us from the pile is absolutely and astutely crucial. How do we go about by picking our ‘require stuff’? A meticulous and balanced analysis of our objective would be more than sufficing.

Have we ever wondered how our brain stores information? An easy analogy can be drawn with the computers, though the latter was conceptualized from the former. Nevertheless, it has a temporary fast access memory called the RAM and the permanent storage memory termed the ROM. Data primarily is stored in the temporary memory and then etched onto the hard drive. On the same lines, we do have a partition in our brain space, a fast, lightning speed cache memory (I call it BRAM- Brain Rapid Access Memory) and the permanent ever-lasting storage memory (Similarly BROM – Brain Repeat Often Memory).

Memory management can thus be identified as to how we configure our BRAM and BROM and allocate memory space while Memory improvement as how much ‘time’ the brain processor spends and prioritizes both the BRAM and the BROM. Though it may sound absurd to even think of portioning the brain, it revels as one of the easiest and effective methodology as we contemplate further. We can just presume that our brain has two virtual segments. Initially in the learning process, data moves into the BRAM for instant short term access. Then it is transferred to the permanent memory through the high speed interface. This channel and the addressing have to be monitored by a mechanism that I term BINGO (Brain Interface NeGOtiator).

The BINGO performs the all important function of mapping locations of the BRAM onto the BROM. Thus we would be able to identify where we have stored what. This is very pivotal in the case of retrieving (remembering) information. Each time you would like to retrieve something you have remembered, say BINGO! It does it for you. So how do we go about configuring BINGO? The BINGO basically consists of the address of the data that is stored in the BROM. In simple terms, it holds the short-cuts to information, the index of our big book of data. We have to create this index just by terms that associate to things that we have learnt (in fact tried to learn). The better and sophisticated the index, the better the whole process. This practice gets simplified further when we adopt the Memory Branching Technique.

Information we gather could be contracted into short terms and could be associated to visuals, colors, objects, or any of our favorites that we are fond of remembering naturally. The power of visualization, as the history beholds, has unlimited and unexplored potential only to be discovered by our experiences. This easy-to-think of terms can then be branched according to our wishes, thus creating a comprehensive mechanism for reaping the fruits. Branching would rather segregate, simplify and break up complex information that we often find it treacherous to digest on the whole. This is the essence of the Memory Branching Technique.

But mind you, forced data transfer would not work, moreover leading to data corruption and performance reduction. So take one step at a time, though slower it would turn out to be steady, firm and ever-lasting. Like what you do and do what you like –Realize the POWER of YOU within YOU.
