IRDA to tighten criteria for selection of actuaries
In a draft proposed standards submitted to insurance companies, a copy is available with ET, the regulator said that an actuary must be used within the company and under 65. Currently, actuaries, particularly in general insurance, work as consultants and has over 65 years.
5-6 General insurance companies have actuaries who are full-time workers, while the remaining 17 companies are part-time consultants. The proposals will be the norm, at the same time, when the controller failed to satisfy the ex officio member of the actuary, to take a call with approvals of the key products of the IRDA
Post a free-lying for the past four months. Actuaries are professionals who advise on products, pricing information, recruitment and evaluation of future profits of companies, determining the probability of an event is based on mathematics and mechanisms.
"Although the eligibility criteria must be refined, but the circular is in the right direction," said Liaquat Khan, president of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries, the only professional body of actuaries in India.
In an attempt to protect the interests of policyholders and insurers, the regulator has developed several rule changes in the last one and a half years, including a cap on costs such as fund management, the award of prizes and the political administration, increased life coverage, portability of health insurance products, capital protection and pension products increased the premium motor third party.
Private sector non-profit life insurance companies have a team of 6-10 members actuarial, while most state insurance companies to appoint independent consultants. Life insurance companies are higher than actuarial teams of 10-35 members. Only in October 2012, a qualified actuary must not be more than 70 years, the regulator said.
Since 2013, the actuary may be granted the appointment of an insurance company is less than 65 years. In addition, the actuary must be 10 years of industry experience, and at least two years of service life or general insurance company, which may appoint to the role. Must have five years of experience in the insurance sector after receiving the Fellowship of the mathematician, the project said.
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Although there are 129 qualified actuaries in the country, industry sources said that only 5-8 meet the criteria set by IrDa in the space of general insurance.
As the crisis in the number of qualified professional actuaries, it will be difficult for non-life insurance companies, because the area is shortage of skills to assess information, said the GN Agarwal, member of the Institute of Actuaries and the chief actuary , Future Generali Life Insurance.
Lack of skills led to incorrect price and higher underwriting losses.
Source: [ET]