10 Steps To Choose The Right Career
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10 Steps to Choose the Right Career

Career Counselor at EduGroomers
Choosing the right career is one of most important choices that often leave you pondering about what’s good for you and what’s not! Well, here are 10 vital steps that you must consider while deciding your career.
  1. Know your interests and fervor. You may be surprised to know how your hobbies or interests may fit into a bright career.
  2. Assessing your strength, skills and faults will help you understand better which way (career path) you should be heading for!
  3. Your personality plays a crucial role in your career; hence pick up a career that suits your work style.
  4. Try exploring the career that drives you by consulting the professionals to know about the scopes as well as limitations.
  5. Don’t settle on anything unless you’re completely sure about it. Take your time in searching for what suits you the best!
  6. Evaluate how your desired career will make your life different. Will it give you the things you want or not?
  7. Be a volunteer or an intern. By this you’ll get an exposure to your desired profession and help you realize if you picked up the right career.
  8. Go for a career that offers you a wider scope for your growth and a happy life. Or, you can also consider starting your own business.
  9. Keep yourself open to changes in your career. Be flexible.
  10. Opt for the right career guidance whether you are searching for the right career or embarking a career change!
Farzad Minoo Damania
Head Counsellor