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You gotta be kidding me! Expansion in the time of economic slowdown and that too the luxury retail segment. ...more>>
Leadership QualitiesLeadership is nothing but the quality which makes a person stands out different from ...more>>
Strategic Human Resource Management There are three key places on our website where you can learn about s ...more>>
The role of the human resource manager in your company has probably become more crucial than you realize. ...more>>
There are many types of performance appraisal methods. Some of them are : 1) job results/outcome ...more>>
After foreign institutional investors lapped up realty stocks in therecently concluded equity placements by ...more>>
Some of the characteristics of entrepreneur, commonly observed are : a) Achievement motivation or D ...more>>
Filing income tax returns yearly may sound good to a philanthropist, who is willing to let the Government ...more>>
There have been many studies on credibility in life and particularly in management. It seemed like an inter ...more>>
Scam-hitSatyam Computer has entered again the elite club of the top 100 companies interms of market valuati ...more>>
Your company offers the best product or service of its kind in your industry. Its prices also happen to tru ...more>>
Recently internationally world no-smoking day was celebrated. Smoking as you know leads to lot of lethal di ...more>>
The following eight steps will help you and your employees interact in ways that make you work more eff ...more>>
Purposeful innovations result from analysis, hard work and systematisation. Innovations that are not develo ...more>>
Hello friends, designer candles are the new version of old candles. We can use these candles as show pieces ...more>>
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