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10 don'ts for smart stock market investing This is a great check list of 10 habits, impulses and tendencie ...more>>
When Ratan Tata was annointed as successor to the legendary Jamshedji rustomji D Tata, many eyebrows were r ...more>>
We often talk of management and leadership as if they are the same thing. But are they… no they are quite ...more>>
Making money is everyone’s dream and we always find ways to make more money. If money making gets attache ...more>>
Application blanks and pre-interview screening are not the only instrument to eliminate candidates from a j ...more>>
Li Wenyan Jiangxi middle-aged man sleeping in gateway m505 a detention center when the laptop battery died ...more>>
retail can be defined as the sale of good or merchandise from a fixed location such as a department store ...more>>
Chennai: At no time in the history of GIS has open source been more popular or more ta ...more>>
India Post has tied-up with Tata Motors for sale of booking forms and acceptance of loan forms of ...more>>
Since my last blog 5th April,2009 , we have seen a decent rally up in stockmarkets from 3150 on 5th April,2 ...more>>
Mumbai: Before the global slowdown, India’s IT services companies constantly worried about attrition rate ...more>>
The top 500 US corporations saw their profits plunge 85 per cent in 2008, their worst showing in more tha ...more>>
"I am so fat. Just look at these bulges. I hate myself!".....Anorexia Nervosa. It effects a lot more people ...more>>
Before the global slowdown, India’s ITservices companies constantly worried about attrition rates and o ...more>>
If you are a budding entrepreneur or you are a seasoned business owner, online business opportunities m ...more>>
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