Editor's choice blogs
At the root of domestic and global growth in the previous decade lies
the substantial expansion of the busi
Recruitment Strategies
Recruitment is of the most crucial roles of the human resource
The word "motivation", in psychology is the intention of achieving a
goal, leading to goal-directed behavio
In recent years, there has been a change in the markets reliance on
audited information and in the nature o
's concern and commitment to the spread of knowledge, education and
freedom of thought among its citizens a
Sixteen families live in sixteen flats in the same apartment I live.
Apart from my family (thanks God I kno
The recession has brought in unemployment . The ripple effect of the
melt down has reached the shore of rea
Raj Kishore
In the course of your work, you may sometimes need to explain
technical concepts to your customers. Having
For last week, after going through national dailies, reports &
news I started finding myself more and m
On April 4, 2008, the luxury French yacht Le Ponant was crossing the
Gulf of
Aden between Yemen and Somal
Reservation,Poverty,Illiteracy,Inflation,Education... and the list
goes on and on. I remember year back wh
I am still hoping — just once — for that mass demonstration (in
Pakistan) of ordinary people against
The date is December 4th, 2010, and you turn on the radio to listen to
the news over morning coffee. Econom