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Entrepreneurship blogs

Do you know which the best Quality Management System is? The answer is none other than the Consti ...more>>
Many have doubts about fate and Destiny. Fate is the one inherited and destiny is created. But n ...more>>
The Art of Living We may look at it either from philosophical viewpoint or from a scientific ...more>>
What is a Blog? According to Pyra Labs Blogger, "A blog is a web page made up of usually short, frequent ...more>>
The induction period is the most rewarding time for any employee. Apart from the basic job knowledge, it a ...more>>
Choosing Working Activities Early man lived doing working activities such as hunting,fishing, herdin ...more>>
I was just going through my mails and I found the article on REENGINEERING THE SENIOR TEA ...more>>
Is a Doctor a Medical Engineer? Engineering means application of scientific knowledge for practical purpose ...more>>
Truth always comes before you in its bare form. It is beautiful, wonderful and awesome at the same time. It ...more>>
QUAL ITY OF A GOOD LEADER My one of friend in Netw ...more>>
There are some people who are contented with being an employee until they retire, and they are some who wou ...more>>
Companies will no longer be required to seek approval of the government for raising the salaries o ...more>>
Each one of us has hopes, desires & dreams which we want to fulfill on and I am not an exception.There ...more>>
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY- TRADE MARKS I am giving below the important aspects on Trade Marks ...more>>
Commitment is a word that signifies the connection between two or more parties such that one party cannot ...more>>
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