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To have a stylish mobile handset is every second individual's desire in this modern world. The co ...more>>
Washington, August 10 : Physicists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), US, hav ...more>>
THE FUTURE CAR After the introduction of small car by Maruti Udyog, the small car segment took a turn ...more>>
Google has a giant target on its back. Microsoft has been on a spending and deal-making spree to grow B ...more>>
High speed steel High speed steel (HSS) is a material usually used in the manufa ...more>>
Internet search firm Yahoo and software giantMicrosoft announced Wednesday a 10-year deal in search and adv ...more>>
A camera that comes with an invisible flash. The pivotal problem with low light shootings is the right expo ...more>>
Of course, every claim can be refuted when technology in hand can do it easily for you, but the question he ...more>>
I was utterly floored when I read this new IEEE article by Tom De Marco (pdf). See if you can tell why.If y ...more>>
Electrical Safety In the Workplace Faulty electric wiring and appliances are one of the most common causes ...more>>
Everyone knows we're in a recession. When companies cut spending, one of the first things to go is o ...more>>
Of course, it wasn't a full day that the world went without the successful microblogging service (see 'Mass ...more>>
Imagine a world, where, your house will live a parallel life with you. A recently launched product of HumI ...more>>
Rakesh is a young business man. He has graduated from one of the reputed engineering colleges in India a ...more>>
lmpetus Technologies ( today announced the release of its new version SandStorm 5.2, an e ...more>>
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