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Beauty tips: home remedy treatment for oily skin

Oily skin is prone to breakouts due to excessive oil secretion from the sebaceous glands. Here are some recipes for natural home remedies and treatments.

a) Crab apple- Make a paste. Apply all over the face and neck. Leave for 20 minutes. Wash with lukewarm water. It is a rich source of alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) which tone, soften and moisturize dull oily skin.

b) Sandalwood powder- Add a few drops of water to half a tablespoon of the powder. Apply the paste all over the face, neck (in upward and outward direction) and hands. Avoid eye area. Let dry. Wash with tepid water. This reduces wrinkles and fine lines while fighting acne and blemishes.

c) Lemon juice, flour, turmeric powder- Make a paste. (Use all purpose flour) Plain yogurt can be used in place of lemon juice. Apply all over the face except the eye area. Let dry. Rinse. The acids in the lemon juice treat dark spots on the face clearing the complexion. Turmeric brightens the look. (Lemon juice might cause a tingling sensation). Feel the fresh and oil-free skin afterwards.

d) Wheat germ oil- Massage your face with the oil. Leave it on for 1 hour before washing with tepid water. Natural vitamin E, a powerful anti-oxidant, in this oil prevents skin damage caused by UV rays and environmental pollution. It is great for softening the skin.

e) Milk- It is particularly necessary for individuals with oily skin to keep their skin clear otherwise it has a tendency to form acne lesions making the skin patchy, discolored and rough. Presence of oil makes the skin sticky thus attracting dirt from the environment clogging the pores. Clogged pores mean increased oil secretion.

Milk is an excellent oil free cleanser and it doesn’t dry out the skin. Oily skin has open and enlarged pores. Wash your face several times throughout the day with milk so that the pores are not clogged with sebum/oil. It is very important to wash your face before you go to bed at night. Make-up residues can be the worst enemies of the skin. Mix 2-3 drops of sandalwood or lavender oil with 2 tablespoon of milk and massage gently all over the face cleaning up the dirt, grime and makeup. Pay special attention to the eye area. Do not stretch or over-pull the delicate skin around the eyes while removing eye make-up. Gentle massage improves blood circulation and gives your face a healthy glow. If you have broken skin, avoid stretching in that area to prevent spread of infection.

e) Honey- Moisturizing the skin is essential as we quickly lose the skin’s natural moistures making it rough and irritated. Dry skin needs a lot of moisturizing but oily skin needs moisturizing too. A skin that is regularly moisturized has fewer fine lines, a smooth texture, less surface flaking and radiates a healthy glow.

Honey is an excellent natural moisturizer. Apply a thin layer of honey all over the face. Wash it off with tepid water after 15 minutes.

Avoid moisturizing in humid weather. Judge the amount of oil in your skin and moisturize accordingly.

f) Rice powder and corn flour- It is absolutely necessary to exfoliate with a gentle scrub about 3-4 times per week to balance the skin’s moisture. Rice powder is an excellent natural exfoliating agent. It gives the over-stressed oily skin a new vitality and a healthy radiance.

Make a paste with 1 tablespoon rice powder, 1 tablespoon corn flour and a few drops of lemon juice. Add water if necessary. Apply all over the face and gently massage in upward and outward direction in a circular motion. The rice powder removes the dead cells that accumulate in the upper layer of the skin thus cleaning up the pores. The sharp, citrus smell of the lemon refreshes and stimulates the nerves while the chemicals in the juice has a bleaching property that treats dark spots left by the various outbreaks of the oily skin.

g) Potato and cucumber slices- Close your eyes and put 2 slices on top of the eyelids. The natural juices remove dark circles around the eyes.

h) Almond meal and lemon rind- Make a facial scrub with 2 tablespoon almond meal, 1 tablespoon ground lemon rind and 3-4 tablespoon milk. Gently scrub your face and get rid of the excess oil.

i) Rose petals, chamomile and geranium oils- Throw some rose petals in your tub and add 3-4 drops of chamomile oil and 1 drop of geranium oil. Soak your body in the sweet aroma. The chemicals in the petals and the oils act as a classic toner for oily skin.

j) Multani mitti or fuller’s earth- Take 1 tablespoon mitti. (Found in Indian grocery stores). Make a paste with 3 tablespoon water and a pinch of turmeric powder. Apply to face and neck. Let dry. Wash face after about 20-30 minutes. This is a unique anti-wrinkle pack containing valuable herbs and skin rejuvenating ingredients to give you an oil-free, smooth and clear skin.

k)Clay mask- Mix 2 tablespoons of green clay with 2 drops of lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 tablespoon of plain yogurt and 2 drops of lavender oil. Add water sufficient to make a creamy paste. Apply all over the face and neck areas leaving the skin around the eyes. Let dry. Rinse with lukewarm water.

Clay mask is said to give maximum benefit to the oily skin for its deep cleansing properties.

l) Cedar wood and sandalwood oil- Mix 2-3 drops of these two oils and gently massage over the face and neck areas. The classic combination of these two essential oils has a soothing effect and is an excellent skin conditioner for oily skin and treats acne and eczema.

m) Face mask- Separate the yolk from an egg and take the white part. With it, mix 2 tablespoon clay/kaolin, 1 tablespoon oats, 1 tablespoon cornflower and enough rose water to make a smooth paste. Add some essential oils like lavender oil and/or juniper berry oil. Mix well. Apply all over the face and avoid eye area. Let dry. Rinse after 20 minutes. Enjoy your fresh, new, soft, oil-free skin.

Oil production decreases with age. With age, skin starts to wrinkle. Then it becomes necessary to supply the skin with oils or moisture from outside especially during winter to fight wrinkles and check ageing. Oily skin generally ages slowly. So, don’t be upset if you have oily skin. Who knows, today’s curse can become tomorrow’s blessing.

