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Consultant Business and Finance

Stop a Migraine Before It Starts

I was reading a News in my mail about How to stop a migraine before it starts by Dr.Vikas Garg.The important recomendations made by him are reproduced for the benifit of the readers and viewers as also to recomend others who may have been suffering from the critical desease.It is however recomended to consult the Physician and take medicines time to time to maintain good health.Hope these tips will help many

Migraines are not curable, but they are treatable. If you can recognize the signs that a migraine is coming on, you can take steps to halt a debilitating headache in its tracks.

One in five migraine sufferers can “see” a headache coming on long before feeling it. A visual symptom called an aura causes migraineurs to see flashing lights, dots or zigzag lines, or lose their vision altogether. They appear anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour before the headache starts. Some don’t experience visual auras but rather feel tingling in the arm or face or have difficulty speaking. Some may experience psychological symptoms like depression or anxiety.

For those that don’t experience aura before a headache, identifying your triggers and modifying your lifestyle can help reduce the number of migraines you experience. Common triggers include anxiety, stress, lack of food or sleep, fatigue, exposure to light, certain foods and, in women, hormone changes brought on by the menstrual cycle. Once you suspect a migraine is coming on, doctors recommend you do the following:


If you can’t medicate immediately with any prescribed medicined by a Doctor , caffeinate. Coffee or cola can help. “Caffeine is one of the oldest, best over-the-counter treatments for migraines,

Cool Down
Ice can help stop the migraine from progressing. Grab a soda can, an ice pack—anything cold—and hold it against your head or around your neck..It is recommended to you to keep portable cool gel sheets in your purse for emergencies.

Clear Your Senses
For some people, certain odors such as cigarette smoke can trigger a migraine. Sometimes getting fresh air can be enough to halt the course of your headache. If you unexpectedly ate a food (such as aged cheese) that tripped your migraine sensor, be prepared to act in case a migraine follows.

Lights Out
If bright lights trigger your migraines, retreat to a dark room and lay down if you can. If that’s not possible, keep a pair of sunglasses with you at all times to help shield your eyes from light.

Most important, if you suspect a migraine is coming on, don’t wait before taking action,. The longer you wait, the harder it is to reverse the course of a headache.

