How To Store Bread
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how to store bread

Bread is the food par excellence, the more widespread both in the world and in the common imaginary. If we think about food in general, the first one that comes in our mind is almost surely bread. 

bread storage

The production of bread is a complex process; the result directly depends on the bread-maker experience. Today very few people have the time to buy fresh bread every day or so, moreover it is always harder to find some quality bread. This push a lot of people to buy wrapped sliced bread that, besides being of poor quality, it also has the defect of not satisfying and this leads to consume more than necessary.  There are three possible solutions:

(1) Buying only in quality bakeries and keeping it in the fridge. The thawed bread remains good; alternatively you can keep it in the fridge and heat it in the toaster when you have to eat it. It is better to choose ommon?bread, without fat added. 

 (2) Self-production with bakery machines. There are in the market various types of machines that can produce a good quality bread, which lasts up to one week if stored in the refrigerator, without difficulty and without loss of time. The biggest advantage is the choice of the ingredients: it is possible to produce bread of all kinds, customizing it on the tastes and nutritional needs of the moment. During a diet, for example, it is possible to produce low calorie bread. 

how to store bread
 (3) Home self-production. The ice maker and refrigerator fans can try their hand in baking: from the beginning you can get good results, you just need to have the right recipes. After some practice, you can achieve very good results, certainly better than those of many bakeries. The degree of customization, of course, is total, after an appropriate phase of raining? It is very useful for this purpose to have a bread machine, which enables you to familiarize with the product and with the processing stages, before venturing into your own production.  

about bread saving

