Characteristics of Digital and Invisible Hearing Aids
The capability to amplify the required sound, while keeping the background noise under control is the hallmark of digital hearing aids. These are capable of understanding the difference between speech and noise. Moreover, these hearing aids convert the sound waves to digital signals, which in turn can adjust themselves to the needs of specific individuals.
Dual microphones form a part of certain advanced digital hearing aids, and these can pick up the sound from both the front and the rear of the person. The consistent growth in the demand for these hearing aids and the subsequent increase in production have led to continuously dropping prices, which makes these a cheap and affordable option for a common man.
On the other hand, invisible hearing aids have also made a foray into the market. These aids are meant to be embedded inside the ear canal, which in turn makes them less easy to spot. People who are conscious about their hearing problem can use these without any feeling of embarrassment.
Invisible hearing aids have played an important role in helping the deaf adjust to the society at large. The sleek designs of these hearing aids make it impossible to view them even when directly looking into the concha or the ear bowl. Furthermore, these are highly comfortable to wear, and can be used for long periods of time, without getting a headache.
Companies, such as Oticon, offer both digital and invisible aids for deaf people. Oticon hearing aids come in both wired and digital form, which can be used as per the preferences and the budgetary constraints of the user.
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