Mac Recovery Utility To Recover Your Data When Disk Utility Fails
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Mac Recovery Utility to Recover Your Data When Disk Utility Fails

There are many possible reasons for which your Mac OS X based computer can go weird leading to data loss or inaccessibility. Among them, file system corruption following any unsystematic shutdown, any software or hard ware malfunction or virus/ malware intrusion etc are the most common ones. Users have always fascinated about the advanced technology and available features for almost everything in the Mac OS X. Users used to expect that their Mac systems can never go wrong, however, under such unpreventable errors, one has to look for Mac data recovery to recover back the data from the troubled media.

Let us take a real life scenario, where you have encounter some file system errors and data inaccessibility thereof. After that you are trying to repair the same with the tool Disk Utility. Disk Utility will run and may give you the following error messages:

"Verifying volume "hard drive name"

Checking HFS Plus volume.

Checking Extents Overflow file.

Checking Catalog file.

Invalid key length

The volume hard drive name needs to be repaired.

Error: The underlying task reported failure on exit

1 HFS volume checked

Volume needs repair"

Following the error messages, Disk Utility stops working as it fails to repair the damage caused to the disk drive. Hence, your data in the drive remains inaccessible and you have to think for any alternative third party recovery utility such as Mac recovery software to recover your data safely and soon enough.

In such a situation, where Disk Utility has already failed to repair, you may have to format and make a fresh installation of the operating system. With formatting it is sure that all your data from the disk will be wiped out and if you do have a single drive and that drive has been affected, then it is a situation to be worried about. However, if you have taken backup of your data, you can restore them from there and can have a shy of relief thereof. Else, you are left with a single safe choice in the form of any trusted Mac recovery utility.

Mac recovery software contain intelligently programmed techniques, that can locate your lost, formatted or inaccessible data in the disk drive and recover them successfully. Such utilities have been designed to shoot to the need and knowledge level of the common user, hence, don't require any prior expertise on the same.
