Six Degrees Of Separation- The Art And The Science In Finding A Job In This Troubled Market
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Six degrees of Separation- The art and the science in finding a job in this troubled market

Faculty Member

Imagine a kind of situation when you don’t have to apply for a job, but you’re landing up with all the good offers and employers are obliged if you join them. This is not the tale of Alice in Wonderland honey, this might be a possibility, because a person who’s highly visible by the head hunters in the Internet and networked with the right people at the right time might be needed at the right place, and you never know who might need you badly to join their company and might be pressing you hard to join them with a bigger and fatter pay checks with better benefits.

I always used to get amazed by a friend of mine who used to act as a scavenger. Hey, don’t get astonished by that term in the Internet world. How many of you generally go through those chain mails and forward to the people in your address book daily? Many of us, we forward to our friends and colleagues daily and then delete it without even seeing the matter well. Many like me delete it in the first shot to break the chain. We’re aware of some people in the net known as chain e-mail collectors known as scavengers and these mails are one of their weapons to collect the e-mail id’s of yours and mine. My friend collects those chain mails and makes database of e-mails for e-mail marketing once he does the right segmentation of those data. Right now we’re aware that, these e-mails are saleable and target marketing yields very good result inexpensive way. This is a part of Below the Line (BTL) activities while we talk about promotions.

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