Building a positiveattitude
Chapter 2 SUCCESS
Winning strategies
Motivating yourself andothers every day
Building positiveself-esteem and image
Building a pleasingpersonality
Forming positive habitsand character
Setting and achieving yourgoals
Doing the right thing forthe right reason
Building a positiveattitude
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There wasa man who made a living selling balloons at a fair. He had all colors of
balloons,including red, yellow, blue, and green. Whenever business was slow, he would
release ahelium-filled balloon into the air and when the children saw it go up, they all
wanted tobuy one. They would come up to him, buy a balloon, and his sales would go up
again. Hecontinued this process all day. One day, he felt someone tugging at his jacket.
He turnedaround and saw a little boy who asked, "If you release a black balloon,would
that alsofly?" Moved by the boy's concern, the man replied with empathy, "Son,it is not
the colorof the balloon, it is what is inside that makes it go up."
The same thing applies toour lives. It is what is inside that counts. The thing inside of us
that makes us go up is ourattitude.
Have you ever wondered whysome individuals, organizations, or countries are more
successful than others?
It is not a secret. Thesepeople simply think and act more effectively. They have learned
how to do so by investingin the most valuable asset--people. I believe that the success
of an individual,organization or country, depends on the quality of their people.
I have spoken toexecutives in major corporations all over the world and asked one
question: "If you hada magic wand and there was one thing you would want changed,
that would give you acutting edge in the marketplace resulting in increased productivity
and profits, what wouldthat be?" The answer was unanimous. They all said that if people
had better attitudes,they'd be better team players, and it'd cut down waste, improve
loyalty and, in general,make their company a great place to work.
William James of HarvardUniversity said, "The greatest discovery of my generation is
that human beings canalter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind."
Experience has shown thathuman resources is the most valuable asset of any business.
It is more valuable thancapital or equipment. Unfortunately, it is also the most wasted.
Peoplecan be your biggest asset or your biggest liability.
Having been exposed to anumber of training programs, such as customer service,
selling skills, andstrategic planning, I have come to the conclusion that all these are
great programs with onemajor challenge: None of them works unless they have the right
foundation, and the rightfoundation is TQP. What is TQP? TQP is Total Quality People--
people with character, integrity,good values, and a positive attitude.
Don't get me wrong. You doneed all the other programs, but they will only work when
you have the rightfoundation, and the foundation is TQP. For example, some customer
service programs teachparticipants to say "please," and "thank-you," give smilesand
handshakes. But how longcan a person keep on a fake smile if he does not have the
desire to serve? Besides,people can see through him. And if the smile is not sincere, it is
irritating. My point is,there has to be substance over form, not form over substance.
Without a doubt, one doesneed to remember "please" and "thank-you," the smiles,etc.--
they are very important.But keep in mind that they come a lot easier when accompanied
by a desire to serve.
Someoneonce approached Blaise Pascal, the famous French philosopher and said, "IfI
had yourbrains, I would be a better person." Pascal replied, "Be a betterperson and you
will havemy brains."
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TheCalgary Tower stands at 190.8 meters. The total weight of the tower is 10,884tons,
of which6,349 tons is below ground (approximately 60%). This shows that some of the
greatestbuildings have the strongest foundations. Just like a great building stands ona
strongfoundation, so does success. And the foundation of success is attitude.
A studyattributed to Harvard University found that when a person gets a job, 85% ofthe
time it isbecause of their attitude, and only 15% of the time because of how smart they
are andhow many facts and figures they know. Surprisingly, almost 100% of education
dollars goto teach facts and figures which account for only 15% of success in work!
This book is all aboutthat 85% of success. Attitude is the most important word in the
English language. Itapplies to every sphere of life, including one's personal and
professional life. Can anexecutive be a good executive without a good attitude? Can a
student be a good studentwithout a good attitude? Can a parent, teacher, salesman,
employer, employee be goodin their roles without a good attitude?
The foundation of successregardless of your chosen field, is attitude.
If attitude is such acritical factor in success, shouldn't you examine your attitude toward
life and ask how yourattitude will affect your goals?
There wasa farmer in Africa who was happy and content. He was happy because he
wascontent. He was content because he was happy. One day a wise man came to him
and toldhim about the glory of diamonds and the power that goes along with them. The
wise mansaid, "If you had a diamond the size of your thumb, you could have yourown
city. Ifyou had a diamond the size of your fist, you could probably own your own
country."And then he went away. That night the farmer couldn't sleep. He was unhappy
and he wasdiscontent. He was unhappy because he was discontent and discontent
because hewas unhappy.
The nextmorning he made arrangements to sell off his farm, took care of his family and
went insearch of diamonds. He looked all over Africa and couldn't find any. He lookedall
throughEurope and couldn't find any. When he got to Spain, he was emotionally,