How To Make Purple Lipstick
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How To Make Purple Lipstick

Making cosmetics at home is economical and fun. If you make lipstick at home, the products and its quality can be controlled. Natural lipstick uses safe materials that can be used on skin. When making a natural purple lipstick, the color comes from items found in nature with a purple hue, such as beets or blueberries. But how to make a Dreampurple UK Pinterest lipsticks?

Prepare a pot and a bowl. Place the pot on the stove and then add water, before the water going to boiling, place the bowel over the pot.

Melt beeswax in the bowel.beeswax will be melted in the bowel.

Remove the melted max from the heat.Prepare the castor oil and sesame oil, combine the two oils with the melted wax.

Color the mixture using blueberry juice or beet juice. Blueberry juice will turn into a purple color and beet juice maybe darken the purple color.

Pour the mixture into clean bowl and allow to cool completely.If you don’t add some preservatives, please keep it in the fridge.
