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"New York Times" reported, just as a flying moth darts into the fire, computer vendors flew into the tablet market one after another. Apple seems to unstoppable, in the first 15 months, it sold 15 million tablet.

However, neither did Samsung, nor did Motorola get Apple's magic. In three months, RIM only sold 0.2 million BlackBerry tablet, which is only three days' Apple sales. HP launched Tablet TouchPad this summer, but ready to stop sale.

Amazon versus Apple, one is the creator of e-book reader, the other is the creator of the first popular tablet.

Both companies are complacent, continuing to make records on revenue , and the stock price is expected to reach new highs. Both have extensive resources to obtain the user's attention and money. iPad tip: rip dvd to iPad.


Barclays analyst Anthony DiClemente said that, regardless of which company will triumph, "consumers will be the winner." He said: "The fact is that Amazon has invested heavily, it will let Apple to lower prices, so as to prevent the iPad sales from declining. "

Asymmetric competition

Most technology companies will show much, but Amazon and Apple are making efforts to save power. This Wednesday, Amazon will hold a press conference in Manhattan, technology blog and analysts have speculated that Amazon will release tablet. On November 19th, 2007, Amazon released e-book reader, then it was at the end of the holiday sales season. It quickly reflected in stock price, Amazon may want to learn this lesson.

Analysts believe that the Amazon price will be as low as $ 250, equivalent to half the price of basic iPad. It tablet is 7-inch, Apple iPad is 10-inch. And it is different from the current Kindle, it looks like the iPad and iPhone, using a touch screen. Amazon expected to push the second tablet in next year, with a larger display. dvd to ipad converter review.

The competition between the two is asymmetric. Apple sells movies, musics and books, it is to sell equipment. While Amazon sells equipment, it is to sell books, movies and musics. Apple has not yet come across a opponent with such different strategy . Apple refused to talk about their own strategy against Amazon. Few people believe that Apple will be greatly frustrated, but no one said Apple will be intact. Amazon tablet's Battle against iPad may have not enough firepower, but it is no matter.

