The Story Behind The Development Of IPad
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The story behind the development of iPad

“Steve Jobs Biography” revealed some interesting stories behind iPad’s development process. When Steve Jobs first finalized the concept of the iPad, Jonathan made ??a lot of conceptual renderings, the purpose is to determine the length and width dimensions of the iPad. Apple decided to use 9.7-inch screen, aspect ratio of 4:3, however, before determining, they had tried a variety of different size and aspect ratio.


The Biography wrote: “Steve Jobs and Jonathan began to select the appropriate screen size, they produced 20 models, each model is a rectangle with rounded angles, but each has small gap on the size and aspect ratio. iPad tip: dvd to ipad converter for mac. Jonathan placedthe 20 models on the long table in the design room, in the afternoon Steve Jobs came along with Jonathan, opened the velvet which covered the models, and began one by one selection. The screen size was finalized by this way.”

There are always rumors saying that Apple has already begun the development of a 7-inch iPad, perhaps this was made ??into a prototype, is one of the 20 candidate models.

In the choice of processors, although iPhone uses the ARM chip, but Steve Jobs originally intended to use Intel’s low-voltage Atom chip, and later iPod’s inventor Tony Fadell threatened to quit development if don’t use the ARM chip, only this persuaded Jobs to switch to ARM chips.

In the evening after iPad’s conference, Steve Jobs was “annoyed and frustrated” because the initial reflects from the media on the iPad are mostly negative. Something about iPad: dvd to ipad for mac. Jobs said, that day he received 800 e-mail, most of them are written to complain.

Jobs always followed up Apple’s advertising himself, iPad advertising is no exception. But he was not satisfied with the initial program, so the advertising company had to redo a number of plans. One of the advertising program was to invite the American actor Michael Cera, the scenario is Michael Sierra pace in a virtual house, making funny commentson the methods how people use the iPad.

Finally, Steve Jobs thought, iPad can reform the textbook industry, and he has considered to make textbook as a built-in function of iPad.

The book reads: “His (Steve Jobs) idea is to hire some excellent textbook editors, to write ebook version, and as a function of the iPad. iPad resource: dvd to ipad ripper. In addition, he has met with some major publishers, including Pearson Education Group, to discuss bilateral cooperation issues.”

