Resolving 'Logs Could Not Be Interpreted' Error In Exchange Server
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Resolving 'Logs could not be interpreted' Error in Exchange Server

Data Recovery Expert

Exchange Server transaction logs arestored on Exchange computer hard drive and are crucial for theworking of database (*.edb) file. When you start any Exchange Server,ESE (Extensible Storage Engine) checks the database for consistency.This information is revealed by a specific flag in the databaseheader that shows database status as dirty or clean. The dirtydatabase status indicates that there are some uncommittedtransactions that need to be replayed. Exchange tries to replay themat the time of mount, but may fail if cannot read them. The reasoncan be corruption of log files. Such situations can force you to usean EDB Repair Software.

To comprehend these potential problems,consider you use Exchange Server 2007. You experience an unexpectedcrash (Dirty database shutdown). The next time when you try to mountthe database, it gives the below error message:

-1852 0xFFFFF8C4 JET_errLogCorrupted

Logs could not be interpreted4294965444

The related eventID is 9513. You can observe the same error when restoring thedatabase from backup.


Event 9513 in Exchange Server 2007 and the above error suggest thatthe Information Store Service, which is using ESE, cannot read thetransaction log files because they are corrupt. As a result, when youtry to mount the database after dirty database shutdown or attempt torestore from backup, ESE fails to replay the log files and also tobring the database to a consistent state.


Following are fewconcrete solutions that you can apply to solve the depicted issue:

  1. Check the application event log for more ESE events. This can help you to find the specific reasons and solutions to the existing problem.

  2. Try to duplicate the behavior- mounting the database or restoring from backup.

  3. Try to restore the database while excluding the corrupted log files and its sequence. But this operation will cause data loss

  4. Run eseutil /p command. Keep in mind that this is a hard repair command and is likely to delete the corrupted and unreadable pages

  5. Use a third-party EDB Repair utility. An EDB Repair Software can analyze the corrupted database and extract the lost data using powerful, yet safe, scanning algorithms.

EDB Repair Tool isan efficient Repair EDB product that scans corrupted Exchange database and extracts the mailboxes inreadable PST files. The software supports Exchange Server 2007, 2003,2000, and 5.5. With an interactive, user-friendly design, thesoftware is easy to operate. The tool is compatible with Windows 7,Vista, XP, 2003, and 2000.
