Discuss Kindle and iPad Comparison

When Steve jobs took the KINDLE in his hand, and point that a problem to amazon's founder, people do not read.
As time progresses, friends who like reading has gradually be use to read books from the previous stroll around the newspaper stand, bookstore to the online bookstores, electronic reading publications market and contributors. This development trend has lasted for several years, and of course all kinds of ebooks reading products also arises at the historic moment, such as mobile phones, MP4, electronic reader, and the most popular is the Kindle and iPad comparison.
I also bought iPad and Kindle DXG at the same time. Kindle which can be used to read, iPad can also be used to surf the Internet, playing games, etc. But here only compare the ebook function.
1. The content and navigation operation: because of the iPad is the touch screen, it has absolute advantage in the navigation and flip operation. And the operation of the Kindle is hard, use see system available after keyboard navigation, the original system is improved.
2. flip effect: the flip speed of the Kindle electronic ink is slower, the original system directly will halt 1 seconds and the appearance of the habit later feel better.
3. The biggest difference namely is the screen. Kindle screen is electronic ink screen, it has a few features: one no need the light source, can't continue reading when turning off the lights in the evening, the benefit is feeling of watching paper books, but it can it is recognized that it can not hurt the eyes; And the iPad screen is almost as the same as a normal computer screen. At the same time iPad screen is color, so you need ePub creator to make ePub ebook for sharing on the internet, and Kindle screen is black and white, but this does not affect the basic experience because at present the color ebook is little.sometimes, when you download a PDF ebooks, it may set the Password to protect it, so you need a Password remover to remove PDF Password mac, the you can edit and view.
Last month, Amazon introduced a pair of third-generation machines — smaller, lighter and with crisper text. One has a new, lower entry price of $139. “I predict there will be a 10th-generation and a 20th-generation Kindle,” said Jeffrey P. Bezos, Amazon’s chief executive. If that sounds a tad defensive, it’s probably because of the instant success of the multipurpose iPad: 3.3 million units sold since its introduction in April.
If Kindles offer such a vastly superior reading experience over iPads, however, we wouldn’t expect to hear the following about some people who own both, “Early evidence suggests some Kindle owners are buying iPads and beginning to shift a portion of eBook purchases to Apple’s iBookstore,” writes Marianne Wolk, an analyst at the Susquehanna International Group, in a report to clients at the end of June.
“We believe each of those two businesses should stand on its own,” Mr. Grandinetti says. E-book buyers do not have to own a Kindle to read a Kindle e-book: his company is device-agnostic and supplies free software for reading Kindle e-books on iPads, iPhones, Macs, PCs, BlackBerrys and Android devices. Here is the guide on how to convert PDF to iPad, iPhone, iPod with free.
To sum up, if you want to finish reading the English Classics, listen to me, don't touch the iPad, NotionInk Adam and so on, a Kindle like product that "pure" will be is a right choice according to the Kindle and iPad comparison. Enjoy yourself!
I think Amazon should be a powerful e-business brand that is more appropriate, even though the powerful customer brand, but apple, isn’t? At least in the tablet PC market field, the brand awareness of the Apple iPad 2 can be said to be the highest. According to the latest research, the users who have the intention to purchase tablet computer, 82% of users trend to choose the Apple iPad, or iPad 2. so the author images if Amazon wants to challenge the Apple’s global position, there is almost no significance. Since the feet of Apple has been reaching every corner of the world, and continuously launched the new but most attractive products to capture the customer’s attention in order to lead the market trend and strengthen its global position.