When Jobs left, What will be the future of the Apple?

Steve jobs has left his world, the global people from all walks in memory of his left. at the same time, about apple future discussion, has become a unavoidable topic. Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak at one recent interviews mentioned that he a little worried about apple's future. Because in the propaganda of iPhone 4 S of apple's now is too much focused on the A5 dual-core processor propaganda, but the concept of jobs don't pay close attention to this, the Apple new product should pay attention to the human design, rather than the higher technology. He was worried about the way apple will step down of SONY's footsteps.
IPhone 4 S and Steve jobs was gone, what influence does he bring to Apple? I'm afraid this is a matter of the answer, but let we cannot deny that any changes in the ages, all avoid turbulence.
Apple future is facing the doubt and challenges
In many people's view, apple is jobs apple, if has no jobs, that also can be authentic apple? Jobs created company culture can also be possible reservation? In addition, although new term "chief executive" cook although for jobs "handpicked", but can he really qualify as a helmsman? Especially the iPhone 4 S release, it is to let this doubt expanded some.
"Apple fans". The left of jobs is undoubtedly the moment to test "apple fans" loyalty. And the small share price falling a bit said, " apple fans " were still hold the wait-and-see attitude, on the one hand, is not willing to give up. Yet this wait-and-see, how long can it insist on? Don't say apple still can lead the new consumer electronics, whether it will maintain its dominance, competitor not only can't apple relax, even for the spectator holding deem appropriate. For example, its rival Samsung has in many areas to apple litigation, the two companies is both partners and rivals, what will be the result? iPhone 4s still can not support PDF ebook well,uers still need mac PDF to ePub software to change PDF to ePub ebook for reading on iPad.
The left of "Apple mage" jobs seems to make the development of the entire apple company cast a shadow, the most obvious is the iPhone 4 S transition products is not valued in the industry, and the iPhone 5 they look forward to seems to become a long way off; Though only small share price falling, but enough to make many of apple do not expect the future full of attitude pessimist became more pessimistic; Plus competitor breath down their necks, as if apple is already in "crouching tiger" position.
The more I think about iPhone, the more I think it's a very cool precursor to an amazing product (I'm hoping that when it actually ships in June, iPhone's specs have been bumped to at least include 3G data connectivity). ATV looks great, but I already have cable TV service with a DVR and On Demand programming, so I have no real need to buy content from iTMS, let alone stream it to my home theater system. The hard drive makes it a little tempting as a stand-alone music server, but I've already got a 60 GB iPod that I don't mind docking and undocking with the various stereo systems in my home. So I've got no real need to worry about dropping $300 on an impulse buy when ATV ships (though I'd be happy to play with a review unit).
an Apple Step Towards the Future
The more I think about iPhone, the more I think it's a very cool precursor to an amazing product (I'm hoping that when it actually ships in June, iPhone's specs have been bumped to at least include 3G data connectivity). ATV looks great, but I already have cable TV service with a DVR and On Demand programming, so I have no real need to buy content from iTMS, let alone stream it to my home theater system. The hard drive makes it a little tempting as a stand-alone music server, but I've already got a 60 GB iPod that I don't mind docking and undocking with the various stereo systems in my home. So I've got no real need to worry about dropping $300 on an impulse buy when ATV ships (though I'd be happy to play with a review unit).
October 9, news, Steve jobs on October 5 died before a few months has left the apple daily work, but many people speculated that apple's influence on jobs still can feel in many years later. According to a British newspaper reported on Saturday, it learned that jobs left four years of future apple products roadmap.The products roadmap including new versions of the apple flagship product, such as the MacBook laptop computers, iPod media player, iPhone and iPad tablet computer. The report says, and the next version of the iPhone will be called a "legacy device" (traditional equipment). In short, apple’s future direction and the developing direction, as a common people don’t know, but the user not need to hold too pessimistic attitude to look at apple's future development, also have reason to believe that, as a mature company, the future of the planning is very clear.
So again, I see ATV as the second of Apple's two MWSF '07 steps to expand into a full-fledged media company. They've got the technical knowhow to build competitive hardware bolstered by state-of-the-art user interfaces. They've got the infrastructure to sell media over the Net. They've got a few deals to distribute video content using that hardware and that infrastructure. So sit back and watch: it'll be really interesting to see what they do to make the experience compelling enough to get consumers to throw down their credit cards and sign up for Apple-branded TV.
About author:
Author works as a program developer in the USA, he love to IT industry, especially for the software safety, so he has been spent most of his time to develop the free software DVD to iPad converter to and PDF editor mac help people. Please keep attention. Indeed, jobs is irreplaceable, no apple successor can be compared with Steve jobs, apple can never find another jobs. But, as a modern science and technology company, apple is that can get rid of the dependent to the jobs, this is the most terrible apple competitive. For Microsoft, Google, the challenger, the biggest tragedy is perhaps a jobs the same era, but the greater tragedy is that even if jobs leave, he's legacy will stop their competition strong pace for a long time.