Credit Card Uses Higher Than Debit Card
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Credit Card uses higher than Debit Card

Online Marketing
Women prefer to use Credit card first instead of Debit card. RBI founds that womans use their debit cards not on regular basis.

Women mostly used their credit card for shopping, credit card banks provides credit period of 45 days so they can use it mostly.

Women may be smarter when it comes to money matters. 45 days credit period is an appealing attraction of women towards credit cards. The number shows that how much of credit card is popular between peoples. Debit and credit cards outstanding at September-end 2011 was 25 crore and 1.76 crore. Younger generation used mostly used credit cards for shopping whereas Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh peoples used their debit card foremost.

Debit cards are used for shopping purposes, bill payments, ticket purchases etc.
