Personal Loan For New Year Celebrations -Yes Or No
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Personal loan for New Year celebrations -Yes or No

Online Marketing
Its November time and people start there planning for X mas and new year Holidays. In India also large set of individuals plan these trips in advance, so they can get bookings. Travel is now not just limited to India- people do travel a lot to places like Singapore, Malaysia, Australia.

Now all these trips come with huge spends. Any trip for 3-5 days for 2 outside India cost at least 50000 for travel and hotels. The cost go to any limits if you opt for exotic places and then comes how to fund these trips.

If you have the cash and the saving nothing like it. Using your credit card to book is okay but ensure you pay the entire amount within 45 days so there is no interest charge. Otherwise the interest charge in credit comes in range of 36-50% and dont let yourself misguided by 3-5% ads, as they say monthly roi and not yearly.

So if you take a holiday and pay via card for 50000 and dont pay in 30-45 days and pay in an year, your total payment will become 80000.

The other option is to take a personal loan for taking a trip this new year.

Personal loan come at about 18% -22% and if you take a loan of 50000 and pay in one year- your total payment at 22% will be 56154. But if you pay in 4 years you will have to pay 75614.

So when you plan to take a trip and want to do it on emi- check our emi calculator and the see the actual cost of the trip.
