Extended Offers Web Development Classes
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Extended offers Web development classes

Online Marketing
Two new courses from Montana State University's Extended University will help people build and manage Web sites.

"Build Your Websites NOW!" is designed for small businesses and non-profits that need to have presence on the Web. The 12-hour course introduces students to WordPress, a free online tool that allows users to develop a Web site quickly and easily, without learning computer code. The course also covers how to include photos, menus, prices and other features, as well as how to track traffic. By the end of the course, students will have a basic Web site up and ready to go. The course begins Oct. 17.

"Advanced WordPress" is held Nov. 21 and 22 and is designed for people who have already used WordPress but want to maximize their skills. The course helps students grow their online presence with plug-ins, custom menus and templates, and search engine optimization. Web designing institutes of India with whole details and courses and fees.

Both courses are held at Extended University's Downtown Education Center at 20 E. Olive, near the downtown Bozeman post office.

The instructor for both courses is Jake Cook. As co-founder of Digital Wax Works, Cook heads up online marketing and supports web development for clients across the U.S. Jake also teaches digital marketing in MSU's College of Business and writes for Fast Company, the 99%, and Smashing Magazine on design, innovation, and web trends.
