What Can Cause High Blood Pressure
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What Can Cause High Blood Pressure

Fitness Expert health.com
The white coat syndrome causes your high blood pressure is higher when your GP or doctor this measurement, then when you measure yourself at home. Your blood pressure can change from one day to the otherwise fail because your blood pressure is dependent on many different factors. So when your blood pressure goes down occasionally higher you cannot speak of the white coat syndrome. When consistently higher blood pressure is measured, then you know that something else is going on! The "danger" of the white-coat syndrome, is the stamp "hypertension" gets it while it is not at all the case.

What can cause high blood pressure? As mentioned earlier, there are many factors that you can give as high blood pressure:

•    Sport
•    Nutrition
•    Alcohol
•    Smoking
•    Emotion
•    Stress
•    Anxiety

So there are still many other factors that can raise your blood pressure. The last two in the list I want to continue to discuss in this article. The white coat syndrome is probably caused by your heart and circulatory system overreacting to the presence of e.g. doctor or GP. This could be your blood pressure from the moment you walk into a practice even increase. 60 percent because the reason for an increase in blood pressure mutually different, it is difficult to determine exact cause. In 9 of the 10 cases it has to do with the stress level. Where the stress comes, More info here

