How To Make A Greater Career
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How to make a greater career

When we think about educating our children or educating our self, most of us have a notion that with the help of so and so education we will be able to get so and so job or our children will get easy job.

The whole approach is driven by getting a secure future in job. And in the end what we get is a lot of unhappiness when our greater job aspiration does not get fulfilled. Why it happens, because not every one get secure Jobs! the peace of mind is not in secure jobs, it is in the knowledge of certain trade on which we can build our career or business in true sense.

Looking at Indian sub continent, every one is running after Government job, the fact is no government in world can accommodate every individual in Govt. jobs as a democratic nation! In democratic society Government can not take responsibility of all its citizens to have Govt. Jobs! So we need to change our approach.

Education is not mean to make us handicap, in fact it should enable us to take on challenges of every day life with our excellence in our trade, having greater knowledge and expertise in our selected trade itself will provide us peace of mind and security to be in demand in commercial world!

So next time when you think of having secure career in any trade, go for excellence in the field of your choice rather then only achieving higher grades to fill any vacant job position in Govt. or Private sector. It is your life and you can not make or expect others to make it secure. It is you who can make a difference.

Posted on : 2011-05-17 BY Bakul Valambhiya
