Leadership Self-Assessment
Attributes . . .
- Do I view problems as opportunities?
- Am I a priority setter?
- Am I customer focused?
- Am I courageous?
- Am I a critical and creative thinker?
- What is my tolerance for ambiguity?
- Am I positive attitude towards change?
- Am I committed to innovations that are best for children?
Skills . . .
- Do I debate, clarify, and enunciate my values and beliefs?
- Can I fuel, inspire, and guard the shared vision?
- Can I communicate the strategic plan at all levels?
- Do I recognize the problems inherent to the planning process?
- Do I ask the big picture questions and "what if"?
- Can I support the school staff through the change process?
- Do I encourage dreaming and thinking the unthinkable?
- Can I align the budget, planning, policies and instructional programs with the district goals and vision?
- Do I engage in goal setting?
- Can I develop and implement action plans?
- Do I practice and plan conscious abandonment?
- Do I transfer the strategic planning process to planning?
Knowledge . . .
- Do I know board and superintendent roles and responsibilities in planning and implementing plans?
- Do I know the strategic planning process, short and long term planning tools?
- Do I know the board and district vision, beliefs, and mission?
- Do I know the relationship of the budget to district planning?
- Do I know local, state, and national factors that affect education?
- Do I know the best practices and research on improving academic achievement?
- Do I know the process of change and paradigm shifts?
- Do I know the strategies to involve and communicate with the community?
What trait were you proud to say describes you?
Was there any trait you would not consider desirable?
What trait are your trying to make more descriptive of you?
Tools For Improved Advocacy
State your assumptions, and describe the data that led to them
- Explain your assumptions
- Make your reasoning explicit
- Give examples of what you propose, even if they are hypothetical or metaphorical
- As you speak, try to picture the other person’s perspectives on what you are saying
- Publicly test your conclusions and assumptions
What to say:
- Here’s what I think and here’s how I got there
- I assumed that…
- I came to this conclusion because…
- If I enter a classroom this is what I might see…
- What do you think about what I just said?
Tools For Improved Inquiry
Gently find out what data they are operating from.
- Use unaggressive language, ask in a way that does not provoke defensiveness.
- Draw out their reasoning. Find out as much as you can about why they are saying what they are saying.
- Check your understanding of what they have said.
- Listen for new understanding that may emerge. Don’t just be thinking about your response.
What to say
- What leads you to conclude that?
- What causes you to say that?
- Instead of "What’s your proof?" say, "Can you help me understand your thinking here?"
- What is the significance of that?
- How does this relate to your other concern?
- Can you describe a typical example?
- Am I correct that you’re saying….
Tools for when you are at an impasse
Embrace the impasses, and tease apart the current thinking.
- Look for information that will help people move forward.
- Ask what logic or data might change their views.
- Avoid speaking from a different point of view.
What to say:
- What do we know for a fact?
- What don’t we know?
- What do we agree upon, and what do we disagree upon?
- What, then would have to happen before you would consider alternatives?
Individual Self-Assessment
- Journal keeping
- Portfolios of selected documents produced in the course of their work
- Performance indicators related to goals and activities of professional plan
- Surveys
- Mentors as "critical friends"
Leadership Behavior
1. Establish a clear direction
a. Envision the future
b. Focused attention
c. Articulate values
d. Enlist others
2. Communicate, communicate, communicate
a. Provide meaning
b. Utilize all forms
c. "Fire in belly"
3. Position the Organization
a. Build trust (encourage the heart)
b. Reliability and constancy
c. Plan small wins
d. Recognize contributions
e. Celebrate accomplishments
4. Development of self
a. Set the example (walk like you talk)
b. Positive self-regard
c. Focus on winning
d. Search for opportunities
e. Experiment and take risks
5. Empower followers/members
a. Establish clear buy-in
b. Foster collaboration
c. Develop a supportive environment
The tasks of leadership:
- Leaders establish vision and set direction
- Leaders affirm and articulate values
- Leaders have high standards and high expectations
- Leaders are accountable
- Leaders motivate
- Leaders achieve unity
- Leaders involve others indecision-making
- Leaders serve as role models
- Leaders listen and explain
- Leaders represent the organization
- Leaders guide constituents and maintain their support
You can see my blogs at : http://changeforgrowth.blogspot.com/