The Best Protein Supplement For Women-Highly Nutrition Food Products For Women-Best Good Grains
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The Best Protein Supplement For Women-Highly Nutrition Food Products for Women-Best Good Grains


 Protein Supplement For Women :

Welcome to Muscle and Strength’s complete guide to protein supplementation .

What is protein and why is it important?

Protein is one of three macronutrients used by the body for energy. These macronutrients include protein, carbs and fats.

Scientifically, protein is a series of amino acids linked together like a chain. The links that hold these amino acids together are known as peptide links. Amino acids are the primary source for nitrogen in the body. Having a positive nitrogen balance is essential for proper muscle growth and repair.

The Best protein Supplement For Women

In addition to its muscle building properties, protein is needed:

·         To keep a balanced PH level in the blood.

·         For muscle tissue preservation during dieting or cuts.

·         As an energy source when there are no carbohydrates available.

·         To build and maintain proper hormone levels.

·         For necessary chemical reactions to take place.

·         To keep the body’s immune system functioning properly.

·         For proper regulation of the body’s fluid balance.

 The Best protein Supplement For Women

  Protein and muscle growth:

Increasing your daily protein intake while on a resistance training program helps to increase lean muscle mass. The human body is in a constant state of “protein turnover.” Muscle tissue is continuously being repaired and replaced. To maximize this repair, you must maintain a protein positive nitrogen balance.

When you undereat protein, you confuse your body. It only has so many raw materials to work with, and can’t repair everything it needs to repair. In this scenario, muscle can be lost. In addition, other vital bodily functions are compromised, such as hormone regulation and blood PH balance.

When you are involved with an intense weight training regimen, more muscle tissue then normal is in need of repair. This is the reason why weightlifters and bodybuilders need more protein. Muscle growth is more taxing on the body’s nitrogen balance then muscle maintenance.

Frequent protein feedings insure a steady stream of amino acids, and help maintain a proper nitrogen balance.

The Best protein Supplement For Women

Protein food sources:

Typical protein food sources include: eggs, cheese, milk, chicken, seafood, fish, poultry, beef, pork, lamb, veal, soy, nuts and legumes. Small amounts of protein can also be found in fatty and starchy foods. Because protein levels in these foods are minimal, they are generally “ignored” by bodybuilders and athletes when a protein diet is structured.

Protein food sources are divided into two categories: complete and incomplete protein foods.

A complete protein food contains all essential amino acids. Animal proteins (meat) are complete protein sources. Incomplete protein foods, such as vegetables, lack several essential amino acids. These lacking amino acids vary from food source to food source.

Protein supplement foods have grown in popularity over the last 30 years because of several factors. They are convenient, and require no cooking time. Protein supplements are also cost effective, and can provide an average serving cost far below that of beef, seafood and even chicken.

The Best protein Supplement For Women

Benefits of protein:

Proper protein intake has numerous benefits for good health. They are:

Anabolism. Eating protein keeps your body in an anabolic state. In terms of muscle building, “anabolism” refers to the construction, and not destruction of muscle tissue. The opposite of an anabolic state is a catabolic state. Not eating enough protein can cause muscle tissue to be catabolized.

Growth Hormone Regulation. Proper growth hormones levels are essential for good health. Growth hormone contains 190 amino acids. Eating enough protein insures that your body has the necessary building blocks to construct growth hormone. Growth hormone deficiency slows the metabolism, and can lead to lower bone density, muscle loss, and numerous other health problems including and number of psychological issues.

IGF-1. IGF-1 allows muscle cells to properly respond to growth hormone. IGF-1 contains over 70 amino acids. Without proper protein intake, IGF-1 levels can be lowered, making it harder for your body to utilize available growth hormone.

Metabolism. As stated previously, protein requires more energy to process, so inherently it boosts your metabolism. Eating less then ideal amounts of protein also makes it difficult for the body to draw upon fat reserves.

Insulin. Protein helps lower insulin levels in the blood, which is a factor in proper energy regulation.

The Best protein Supplement For Women

Protein Supplement For Women:


We are Sydney based and our primary creative focus the past decade has been development of products with special emphasis on healthy and affordable nutrition. Our associates include doctors, dietitians, nutritionists, herbal medicine practitioners and research scientists.

Good Grains is all about good food and healthy life style. Good Grains products encompass organic cereals, Brown Rice Protein Shakes, preservative free heat & eat foods, herbal teas and expand into herbal tooth paste to herbal allergen cleansers.

Products Offered By Good Grains:

Certified Organic Rice Protein

Energy Boost Chocolate


Rice Protein Shake Original


Slim Start Vanilla Shake


Contact us:

SAS Gold Pty Ltd

46 Austral Avenue

Weatmead NSW 2145


Tel: 61 2 96353922

Fax: 61 2 96353689

The Best protein Supplement For Women


