First Job : MIlestone In Career And Life
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First Job : MIlestone in Career and Life

In this article my domain will be limited to Software engineers who are still waiting to click for first job.

From the enterance to Grtaduation course in Computes there is a dream in every eye, every heart ie their first job. First job is always a road to future, its a torch which is litting career path.

So how to search for job:

Resume making: Resume making is an art. You need to learn it.

Points To remember for resume building:

Dont make resume too large that it takes lot of time to get read or too brief that there is no enough information.

It should be in single font with headings in bold.

It should have order of information provided according to importance and relevant to industry example is you Marks comes first, projects second and hobbies last.

What to Study:

You should stick to basics to get your job. Dont need to learn advanced technology or skills but just stick to what you studied in college.

Baisics may include C, C++, OS. DBMS, Netowrking , Dat Dtructure etc. All your college course is iportant but still we can list some 8 subjects which are important.

Also dont forget to learn about comapny and gather information abour like why you want to join organizartion?
Be prepare for some unexpected event to happen and dont get dis heartened if you dont know answer any of question.

Just you can say I dont know then beating around bush.


Today all major organzations takes aptitude test as it show ablity to learn anda ablitity to understand problem.So prepare yourself according to the same.

Else you can visit this site also


Chakresh Maheshwari

(Consultant for debutant in software industry)

PathKnit Solutions

(We shape the future by nurturing talent)
