Knowing Our Traditional Medicine (Ayurveda)
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Knowing our traditional medicine (Ayurveda)

Ayurveda –this is made of two words ayu and Veda. This science helps in increasing the healthy life of a person.

It does not believe in curing the disease but to cure the person. According to its principles our body is made up of three basic dosha (constituents) namely vata, pita & kapha.

When these are in equilibrium the person remains healthy but whenever this equilibrium is disturbed it creates problems in the body, it may be some kind of disease or early manifestation of the disease. So the main concern is to maintain this equilibrium. Our life style plays most important role in it. In Lifestyle dietary habits and physical exercise is our main concern.

Now a days almost no person is having all the three constituents in equal proportion, everybody is having one or two of them in high ratio, accordingly these persons are assigned their prakriti (nature).it may be vata, pita, kapha, vatapita, vatakapha, pitakapha or Sama (balanced which is very rare).

After determining the nature, the person has to take its diet so that it counters its increased dosha that means opposite to that of the prakriti. With this a balance can be achieved in the body.

In modern sciences also we consider six important constituents of diet namely carbohydrates, fat, proteins, vitamins & minerals, water and fibers. All these are important for maintaining the homeostasis in the body. Deficiency of any of these can cause the disease. So diet plays a very important role in the body.

We can’t ignore the other important aspect that is exercise. The form and extent of exercise vary from person to person. It depends upon the age of the person, his occupation, no. of calories one is taking, nature (prakriti) of the person, time (during the day or season) and even gender. Exercise also improves the mental health of the person.

So maintaining a balance between these two important aspects of lifestyle we can achieve our aim that is a healthy life.

Wish you all a very happy and healthy life!
