Decide Whether Or Not To Speak
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Decide whether or not to speak

DECIDING WHETHER OR NOT TO SPEAK? Before u accept an invitation to address an external audience ,or prepare ur self to ask an internal one, first u should ask ur self some critical questions.

Which involves 1.your ability to satisfy them 2. Their needs 3. The goals of organisation 4. Ur time and availability..


People addressing audiences have a potential to create a tremendous value or tremendous harm

Reason behind giving a speech is to improve the condition of the audience or the organization which u r goin’ to represent.a speaker should always know what the audiences want.


The more u concentarete on the objectives the more valueable u r going to be.the more u focus on the associated events and tasks ,the more vulnerable u become.. when considering whether or not to speak,concentrate on the intended objective,not the associated task.givin a speech i s not an objective. It is a task.the objective is to challenge participents to achieve their objective!!

Let task is teaching interpersonal skills then objective is reducing conflict at work..


Too many people restrict their speaking engagements to ones relating directly to the areas of the

Personal experience.this is short sighted.the key is to recognise that skills and abilities are transferable.its important to distinguish b/w process and content. A process is a sequence,

System,design,model or approach that enables the user to achieve a given,desired result.

Example:- a salesprocess may allow a salesperson to generate new business

More efficiently.

CONTENT:- it is a particular environment, surroundings,subject matter with in which the processes are applied.REMEMBER..

“A decision not to speak is more beneficial to a person’s reputation than

Talking a lot but saying very little.”

WHY it may be the interests of an organisation for an executive to speak:

· To set company policy.

· To establish an image.

· To establish a personal bong with the audience.

· To influence important decisions.

· To attract media and public attention.

· To explain the importance of organisational change.

so think while you leap!!!
