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What is Terrorism? Different people picture it in different ways. For biotechnologist this as an ideological disease unlike others which are basically mental, physical or physiological. It’s more of a human software problem rather than a general hardware thing.

Having said that it is a disease, the vectors for growth and spread of Terrorism are not mosquitoes, bacteria or virus but even worse, its Humans. This form of vector only makes it more difficult to identify since they cannot be differentiated from other normal humans. It is a communicable epidemic disease which not only victimizes individuals but at times whole city and even the world as seen on 9/11, 26/11 and please refer to current day’s newspaper. The basic symptoms include Fear, Insecurity and Heatedness among individuals, and in severe conditions among nations.

We think that people who have died or lost their relatives and peace to the acts of terrorism are the ones suffering the most form this disease but they are not. The more severely affected are the people who are involved in the perpetuation of these acts from the level of sponsors to those who brainwash and to those who are brainwashed to become terrorists or suicide bombers the name of God and Nation and loose the sense of right and wrong.