Group Dynamics
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group dynamics


Group is a collectivity of two or more persons. A social process by which people interact with each other, face to face in small groups is called GROUP DYNAMICS.

A group is basically consists of two or more persons who want to share their ideas, emotions, views, thinking, or norms.

The term “DYNAMICS “ came from Greek language which means strength. It includes participations, co-operation, leadership, give & take relationship etc. In any society no one can live alone. Everybody needs a group. Infact, every person borns having a group means family group and as he grown up, this group is also becomes more wide.


1. Two or more persons make a group.

2. Collective identity.

3. Interaction with each other.

4. Common goal interest.

5. Attainment of common objective.

6. Exchange of norms, views, ideas etc.


There are many types of groups. These are as


  1. Primary Group : The group with which we have a direct interaction is called primary group ,e.g. family, friends etc.

  1. Secondary Group : The group that has an indirect relationship like celebrities, modals, and the persons we know through third party.

  1. Membership Group : The group with one really belongs or a group whose membership we currently have.

  1. Reference Group : A group that we admire and desire to be like that. This group is also called as aspirational group.

  1. Command Group : Command group is consist of subordinates who are working under a superior and report directly to a common superior. For e.g. a manager & its subordinates.

  1. Task Group : It is composed of employees who work together to complete a task or project.

  1. In Group : It represents the power structure.

  1. Out Group : It is a minority group.

  1. Formal Group : This group is created by company to fulfill specific needs. These groups are framed acc. To company’s structure.

  1. Informal Group : Such groups are informally created for their own satisfaction and are not regulated.


Here a question arises, why we need group development?

The answer is as following:

· To accomplish the task

· To bring skills & talents

· To provide better decision making

· To control employees behaviour

· To handle different problems etc.

Process :

  1. Forming : Introduction and interaction, to make contacts.

  1. Storming : Perceiving and assessment, status, education, social behaviour.

  1. Norming : Settlement between goals, start moving cooperation.

  1. Performing : To perform in different situations, tackle the situation.

  1. Adjourning : Changing and adjustment, completion of target.

These steps are included in process, yet this is not necessary that they rigidly follow this pattern as they are interconnected.


1. First meeting : first interaction between persons.

2. Transmition : brust of activities like dropping old tech.

3. Completion : completion of activities.

This model includes these above three stages.


There are following four theories of group dynmics:

1. Prompinquity theory

2. Homan interaction theory

3. Balance theory

4. exchange theory

These theories are explained as follows:

1. Propinquity Theory : This theory refers to how we make close relations with persons acc. To geographical area or special area.

2. Homan Interaction Theory : Activities like social functions, confrences, sentiments, events.

This theory says that more a person interacts ,more he get strong relations.

3. Balance Theory : this theory refers to similarities between attitude and attraction.

4. Exchnge Theory : This theory refers to social exchange of perceives, rewards, cost relationships, exchange of cost & projects.

These are the basic theories of group dynamics of formal group.


  • External Conditions : this means of the conditions outside the org. when we have to perform under the new rules, strategy etc.

  • Group member resources : knowledge, skills, personality, attitude, perceptions, flexibility, ambitions, experiments, observing power, relations, etc.

  • Group structure : group composition, size, roles, expectation, group norms, group cohesiveness, productivity, safety measures, etc.

  • Group process : how much time goes in a process or length of process.

  • Group performance : how efficiently the members perform their duties.


In the end we can say that a group means a collectivity of many persons who are together working for achieving same objective. There are groups everywhere in our society whether it is a family, a school, a college, or it may be an organization.
